Meena Harris, the popular niece of Democratic VP candidate Kamala Harris and daughter of the Democratic VP campaign chair, has been criticized for modifying an auspicious and holy picture of the Hindu Goddess (Devi) Durga in reference to the Presidential US 2020 elections and the Hindu festival of Navratri. Taking place on Sunday (October 18), […]

Islamic Supremacy and Discrimination runs Deep in Canadian Social Equity Circles But Rarely Confronted
This week Markham-based Haleema Mustafa was arrested over allegations she left Canada to join ISIS (a Fascist Islamist militant group), the Public Prosecution Service of Canada confirmed in summer of 2020. Haleema’s husband and Guelph-based Ikar Mao was also faced with 2 terrorism-related charged by Canadian authorities. ISIS has been responsible for the genocide of […]

Why does no one care for underage Hindu minority girls in South Asia?
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(CHAKRA) In the last month, there has been an uptick in social media activity among … [Read More...]

How Bigots and Abrahamic Supremacists conflate Hindu Identity with Hindu Nationalism
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It's Sunday morning at 2am, and what do I do after a night of chilling with friends? I … [Read More...]

Music is an Expression of Faith and Culture for Young Caribbean Hindus
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Throughout much of Indian Hindu culture, music has become an integral part in many aspects … [Read More...]

A few things made Diwali celebrations in 2017 a bit more special. Happy Diwali
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A lot of things make Diwali celebrations auspicious, but in 2017, there have been a few … [Read More...]

Hindus Celebrate Good vs. Evil – Shubh Vijayadashami & Happy Dussehra 2017
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On Saturday September 29th, millions of Hindus worldwide celebrated one of their most … [Read More...]

American Hindus Condemn Large Mass Graves of Hindu Bodies in Myanmar
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American-Hindu human rights body and community advocacy group, Hindu American Foundation … [Read More...]

New Film Tackles Wide Array of Issues Around Meat and How it Slowly Kills us
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A new documentary/film out of India treads the path of an activist-style anti-tobacco … [Read More...]

University of Toronto to Host Controversial Speaker Accused of Bigotry Against Hindus and Sikhs
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One of the most controversial of speakers and so-called experts on the history of South … [Read More...]

Suspected Terrorists in UK Planned to Kill Hindus, Sikhs, Atheists and LGBTQ
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3 radicalized British men were accused of planning for a deadly terror attack with various … [Read More...]

Bangladesh Hindus Live in Fear During Ramadan as 500 Year Old Hindu Temple Attacked in Another Hate Crime
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On May 28th, 2017, during the holy Islamic month of Ramadan, a historic 500 year-old and … [Read More...]