By Antony Thomas
Bhubaneswar, Orissa (CHAKRA) – Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) president, Ashok Singhal accused Chief Minister, Naveen Patnaik for encouraging conversions. Singhal went further by making other personal allegations.First he questioned why the European Union’s delegation had recently visited the communally sensitive Khandhamal district.
He also stated, “Naveen has a secret understanding with Congress chief Sonia Gandhi. He is sympathetic to the missionaries as his elder brother Prem Patnaik’s wife is Italian and a good friend of the Congress chief.’’ He expressed his shock at the EU team’s attempt to meet the judges of the courts who are making decisions on the Khandhamal rioting and violence cases. Singhal condemned the direct interference of outside forces with a sovereign state with its internal affairs. He made clear his belief that the Chief Minister had betrayed the Hindus.
Singhal said that churches and missionaries were putting in large amounts of funding for conversion activities and that the delegation had paid a visit to see the progress of such funded programs.
He criticized the Chief Minister of his ineffectiveness in finding and arresting the killers of Swami Lakshmanananda Saraswati.
“While the killers of the sadhu are roaming freely, the Government is victimising thousands of innocent tribals by arresting them on false charges and registering cases against them,” he said.
Singhal warned that the issue regarding the EU delegation’s visit will be brought to attention during the upcoming session of Parliament.
In regards to the growing Maoist activities and their target on religious leaders, Singhal said that are divided into two groups: One group belongs to the churches while the other group is sent in from China with arms and ammunition to create internal disturbance.
During the next Kumbh mela, 18 Akhada Parishads will take into account these issues and make important decisions on the Ram temple in Ayodhya. He warned the central UPA government of an upheaval if they accept the recommendation of Justice Ranganath Mishra Commission about providing job quotas to minorities.
Dear Christens Brothers,
You all said “Hindus attacked Missionaries, They are terrorists, we are God’ Sons, ”
When there is a problem you should see the cause. The cause of this problem is conversion. I am giving you a solution. Stop your conversions the problems will die as it came. Yes I am a supporter of India and not to a religion. Thousands of Christians are dying of hunger and poverty in Africa. Why cant you go and spend the money there. In US millions of Christians don’t have Basic medical facility. Come on help them. Instead don’t try to polarize our society. If you guts go to the Middle East and try your stupid, non-sense conversion tricks.
I am not a supporter of killing humans, i am not convert any Christan, because it is not a religion thought, CONVERT IS PURELY BAS——-, Converting people are also BAS— . I am against violence as our Great Gandhiji has taught us. But you can’t keep converting innocent people for more that 300 years. I think its our duty to protect our religion and people from this barbaric conversions. Every religion /society has it own up and downs. Still there is racial discrimination in US and Europe. As time passes and India rises economically we will be able to get ride of our stupid caste system . But in the mean time dont try to divide us using your religion. Please allow us to leave in peace and we have only one country for us. Long live BHARAT MATHA.
ALREADY HINDU REVOLUTION is Started, The youngsters are joined Son of Saffron (SOS),
Hindu Defense Force (HDF), Hindustani Freedom Fighters Front (HFFF) Groups.
If you feel that your are TRUE CHRISTIAN , ask your christian missionaries to stop Conversions and give way for peace to previl ELSE THE THEROY THAT “EVEN JESUS IS A JEW BY BIRTH” will previl upon the your entire community.
so please avoid convert,
thank you
Dear Christian Brothers,
Please do not stop preaching Christianity. It is the obligation of every Christian to preach gospel to others. Please do not get afraid of attacks as life on earth is temporary but life in heaven is eternal
Dear Indian Brothers,
History is witness that christians has been a faithful citizen of India then why all this noise ?
We will die but we will not remain silent thats how we are ofcourse money and force is unchristian charecter and only exist in the mind of people who are against christian, we tell people that that Jesus love you so much that he died on the cross for you.If you belief in Christ you will be saved.
Xtian apologists, what has Xtianity offered to India? If you claim education, it was on account of the largesse of the British raj and followed by the Indian version of the same in the form of the Nehru dynasty & by the dumbing down native ethos by commi/congress/xian historians. If you guys claim that you bailed people out of castesim then Xtianity has not rid casteism but has actually made an enterprise out of it. I can quote many pockets in India where Hindus have become less castesist but Xtians have separate caste based burial grounds. The pope and his ilk have made God a product to be marketed. And by way of conversion (which is a form of violence), you guys have broken family traditions and pitted brothers of one family against another. And all for what? To spread the stupid message that JC died on the cross for sins of others and believing in the word that walked in Israel is the only way to salvation? My way or no way to heaven?And if, as you claim, your redeemer is living, where is he living on earth? If his spirit is living, so is the spirit of all our forefathers that ever walked on this earth.
Paul ran the most efficient false factory and he killed the true teachings of JC. And the other myth that you guys thrive on stems from being persecuted. And that is another lie, as, on the contrary,every pagan culture in West Asia and Europe was vandalized by Paul’s foot soldiers.Saint Thome did not die in India, as per, your own faith’s historical accounts. The US and Europe have rid their school history books of the lie that the doubting Thomas was killed in India. But still a tomb exists in his name in Chennai and you guys still spread falsehood. Given the West was “saturated” by Xtianity and they have escaped from this saturation, India is now being saturated by the Church as the new market for Xtianity.If I quote instances where the Joshua project has compromised native ethos (across many countries) and broken traditions, will any of you care to condemn the asinine project?
And the evangelicals lack anything called honesty or morality or respect for others’ beliefs. You guys shove it down everyone’s throat and bulldoze your way to push the devious agenda by way of money & political power.