It is a fact that Hindus in Pakistan are venerable to forceful conversion, but this plight became more dreadful when a Hindu Boy was converted to Islam and the whole proceeding was live telecasted on a national TV. Pakistani TV show ‘Ramazan chat’ broadcasted live a Hindu boy converting to Islam in a studio packed with audience on Wednesday.
In just five minutes, the 20-year-old introduced as Sunil officially changed his religion under a cleric’s guidance. It is a clear indication of forced conversion which is becoming the latest weapon of Islamic extremists in Pakistan.
The show has been slammed by a leading daily Dawn, which claimed in its editorial that it sent “a clear signal that other religions don’t enjoy the same status in Pakistan as Islam does”.
An editorial in the Dawn on Friday observed, “In yet another example of how the industry’s commercial goals trump ethics, open-mindedness and common sense, on Tuesday a television show broadcast an imam leading a Hindu boy through a live conversion to Islam carried out in the studio as part of the show, complete with the audience joining in to suggest Muslim names for the new convert.”
The editorial said that the joy with which the conversion was welcomed sent a clear signal that other religions don’t enjoy the same status in Pakistan as Islam does.
The editorial also raised the question on how the move will affect country’s minorities. “In a country where minorities are already treated as second-class citizens in many ways, this served to marginalise them even further,” it maintained.
“There is no reason to think the boy was not converting of his own free will, but the whole event had the distinct air of being carried out to give viewers something new and different to watch, even if that meant dragging an intensely personal and spiritual experience into public view,” the daily said.
The write-up also held the Pakistani media responsible on how it will go to with what ‘seems like exciting content’ to spice things up saying “religion is now fair game too”. The editorial said, “More disturbingly, what the channel obviously didn’t stop to consider is the message this broadcast would send to the country’s minorities”.
The daily observed that the problem with Pakistani media is that “it is missing a responsibility chip, hurtling ahead with what seems like exciting content without stopping to consider the ethical implications or appropriateness of its programming, or the message it will send to all Pakistanis, not just those it considers the mainstream”.
Talat Hussain, who hosts a political show on Dawn News, also warned against turning religion into mass entertainment.
“Think about how Muslims would feel when Buddhists in Burma show similarly a Muslim being converted in a live TV show,” he told AFP.
Ramesh Kumar, a leader of the Pakistan Hindu Council, told AFP that the programme would encourage intolerance.
“We are already intimidated. The government gives little heed to the kidnapping of Hindus and forced faith conversion of our girls. Please don’t do things that make us more alienated,” he told AFP.
Earlier News Bharati highlighted how Hindu girl Rinkle Kumari was abducted and forcefully married to Muslim boy and named Faryal Bibi Shah. The incident created outraged among Hindus in Pakistan. Unfortunately Zardari government did not take appropriate steps to curb such Islamic extremists. Now Pakistani media, which is suppose to highlight atrocities on Hindus have joined hands with Islamic extremists who are using media as a promotion tool to promote evil act. Pakistani media has clearly ignored its social responsibility and consequences of such TV show broadcast on other religions in the country. Source: News Bharati
You can watch the live Islamic conversion on Pakistani Media here:
Raja Hindustani says
..pseudo secularism at work…I want to know the how Mahesh Bhatt and Kuldeep Nayar would react on this…their service is for Muslims only…
tabassum fahim says
hindu should learn one thing that islam is the real and everlasting religion and rest all are going to b deleted by muslims
tabassum fahim says
indians try to digest fact of bigger ppppppakkkkisssstttannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn otherwise u will weep for nothing just wait for the real face 2 face w……………………..
The Joshi(Arya hindu ,vedic brahman) says
Look at the morons! Converting some poor boy and trying to claim win on hindus. Hinduism IS 5000 YEARS old.
Lets be real here, muslims have lost their edge, pakistan is a shit hole which no one cares about, drones strike people there and its more or less the worst place to stay.
Will the muslims be able to wipe hindus ? BUHAHAHAHA! If they couldn’t do it with a muslim rule of ~800 years and with all their shitty tactics of forced conversions, how will they be able to do it now ?
The answer is they will not.
I am quite sure there are many converts who curse their ancestors for converting to islam. But the point is they cannot say it openly…. I am quite sure they aren’t proud of who they are…. they cant be.
Nitin Sharma says
@tabassum we r ready for face to face w…….but the pornistanis have no gurds. Fuck on these type of people who think about these things.nd tell me who says only islam is the everlasting religion. says
Muslims are forced to admit by divine decree that islam is not a screw-up. They’re f u c k e d . Unbelievable. I think mohammad hated the people he hung out with….. including some women and dogs and pigs etc….so he in turn made up s h i t daily in the name of divine laws that screwed them up more and more …..Fantastic !! Deadly !! The ultimate dark revenge…. and the best part is he passes the buck to some guy called allah. Fantastic side-step. Blame allah not me mohammad who by the way am the only guy on the planet who’s interacted with allah…..AND……guess what this is the last transmission…… so don’t even look for help….If you’re muslim remember you’ve entered a life of some illiterate dark-tortured and insane man’s revenge on those around him. Just look at muslims…..they’re a f u c k i n g joke . The Quran is the record of a psychotic Arab talking to himself…That’s why nearly everything Mahoundians do is crazy..
Listen people ….Mohammad is just another psycho with a sword that started a cult ….. and the cops have still not got him. It’ll happen. 3 more years ?? max 5 .
A frustrated rage-venter that started a cult by full-on-lying and pure rubbish that baffled some idiotic people who in turn over generations retarded themselves even more because there was no exit . Mohammad had slam-shut the exit door and walled it too. Serious Psycho . Muslims are screwed….and the best part is they seriously think they’re winning !!! Winning what ??? More murder! Actually the only good news about islam is it’s open to culling ….when the going gets tough i guess the muslims will go first…they’ve already started….and the blood loss will be heavy but culling is a scientific term that we can use for the planet’s betterment . Ahimsa is a Sanskrit word from the times of the Rig-Vedas of spiritually forward beautiful India… that means least-violence….Ahimsa is mistakenly taken to mean non-violence. Ahimsa means minimum violence for maximum permanent good. Ahimsa once understood properly paves the way for nuclear weapons use for maximum good for our planet. Islam is a drag ….on the planet and in conversations….i could do without it’s idiotic in my face presence. Makes sense…. A few simultaneous choice strikes that annihilate full cities like mecca and medina and at least 20 other Islamic cities and we’ll get thru thru islam’s thick dense skull that it’s time to exit planet earth as there is no allah-shield over anything Islamic .infact they will realise that there is no allah !! Can you imagine the awakening ?
It’ll be a bit noisy but mullahs swinging in the wind will be as soothing a sight as palm trees in a soft cool breeze. I’ll right-click it and make it my desktop wallpaper……ah!! the simple life……
A loud goodbye. Cool . The radiation we can mop-up in peace. Islam gotta go man !! like now!!
Muslims should be allowed to hang mullahs that preach violence. It’ll be fantastic. We have to get used to seeing hanging mullahs and Islamic self-proclaimed clergy……robes and all.
In history, only Genghis Haan and his grandson Hulagu Haan stopped Islam by killing up to 1.5 million Muslims. says
A plea to the Powers that Be……….
Please can i demand the removal of all muslims from the flight i’ve boarded because i am allahphobic ?
What about my emotional trauma at the proximity of all these bred-to-kill-non-muslim cult members ?
What About my rights ?
What About Me ?
Muslims petrify me .
Muslims scare me on sight. What about people like me who want no contact with islam ?
Can i demand ALL muslims OFF my mode of transport because THEIR DOCTRINE AND unHOLY BOOKS AND WARPED PHILOSOPHIES threathen my life and everyone’s around including their own lives which they might want to end on my flight ?
What about my medically justified paranoias and phobias ? What About Me and My Loved ones beliefs and phobias and paranoias and better judgement ?
I don’t ever want any muslims on my mode of transport . EVER .
It’s My Birth Right !!
Muslims are the Ultimate Blow-Up Dolls. Would you like one to sit next to you ?
Will be a blast ….at close range.
Iran should nuke saudi. It’ll be cool. Stupid killing Stupid since idiot mohammadstupido started the blood-rush. Who’ll be the last 2 muslims to kill themselves. What comedy!! This is the one time tragedy is not comedy because islam imploding is not a tragedy. It is stupid killing stupid. Good riddance. BUT WHEN ?
Darwim will Smile.
In history, only Genghis Haan and his grandson Hulagu Haan stopped Islam by killing up to 1.5 million Muslims.To date, Muslims who know that history vehemently despise Genghis and his notable grandson Hulagu Haan who actually did our human civilization a priceless favor. says
@tabassum fahim…..You know what Stockholm Syndrome means ? Muslims will soon start hanging mullahs and self-proclaimed clergy from lamp-posts….. It’ll be fantastic. We have to get used to seeing hanging mullahs and Islamic self-proclaimed clergy……robes and all.
In history, only Genghis Haan and his grandson Hulagu Haan stopped Islam by killing up to 1.5 million Muslims.To date, Muslims who know that history vehemently despise Genghis and his notable grandson Hulagu Haan who actually did our human civilization a priceless favor.
• Islam is not the answer. Islam is the wrong answer.
• WE HAVE TO START SHOWING BLACK MUSLIMS THEIR SLAVE STATUS IN ISLAM. IN THEIR FACES. We have to start showing the black muslims what is waiting for
them in the koran and the had-its AS SLAVES . Put it in their faces and then watch the fun
as they single mindedly go after islam for duping them, Let’s show the blacks
islam has no answer for what to do if mecca and medina are
totally destroyed. islam will dissolve in disbelief. mecca and medina will have
to be destroyed then muslims themselves will destroy all the mosques and
themselves kill all the mullahs. Watch. islam will dissolve in it’s own c r a p
p y puddle. But first we have to smash the headquarters of global madness in the desert .
What can muslims really do ? Mad things are written in the koran and the had-its. What can muslims really do ? Mad things are written in the koran and the had-its. The koran is the word of some allah but mad things are written in the Koran and the had-its. What to do ??? Was allah mad when he wrote the koran? Can allah be mad? Must be because mad things are written in the Koran and the had-its. Mad things are written in the Koran and the had-its. Just read it. Check out main guys Puremad and his sidekick allah’s insanity. A must read and burn type.
Soon islam will take over the planet and the collider itself will be smashed to smithereens by muslims….those smashed particles will be called the allahblahblahblah particles and will be embedded in mosque steps for muslims to walk over. All this current research is useless…..islam is coming and the latest to vanish from the planet will be the pyramids of egypt. Islam’s logic says that an Islamic society can not survive in its purest form when it is constantly tempted to fall prey to polytheism provoked by Jahilliya beacons of infidel immorality. Which is what pre-Islamic artefacts are.
Simple logic with logical consequences.
Islam is coming at us at a good speed to erase us and we did not see it running over us as we were too busy peering into our microscopes to catch the glints of evil off islam’s sword. It’s already too late. Like i said…..islam is coming running .
Islam is no religious faith at all, but rather is a criminal ideology, invented and maintained by bad men, and as a utility for bad men and…..behind the Muslim Brotherhood there is a Muslim Sisterhood just as sinister. Where is the Worldwide Not-islam Brotherhood ??
We the planet as a whole are dealing with a cult …a Blood Cult, unlike any religion, This BloodCult mandates its followers to violently conquer the world. As of today not even one religion commands its followers to do murder. Even in a country like India where natives have faced the barbarism of this Blood Cult’s persecution for centuries very few in the present generation understand the actual “objectives” of this Blood Cult. Denying and ignoring the facts will only lead to more and more needless bloodshed in the future. This BloodCult hates everything we stand for and will never coexist with us, unless we submit ourselves and our sons and daughters and sweet grand-children to this dirty cult . If we don’t do something super drastic as a final solution now …our grand-children will not be grand….they’ll be PureMads.
I personally don’t want any of my future family to come in contact with this BloodCult started by some deranged and totally unhinged nut in a cave 1400 years back in the super-heat and dust of some idiotic desert who hallucinated pure rubbish . PureMad.
In Bangladesh they cannot have a law against paedophilia because 1400 years ago supreme Cult Leader married a child of 7 and sexually did her at 9 . So if Cult Leader did anything vile or evil it has to be right and if human law comes into force Cult Leader will be proved wrong which is blasphemy because Cult Leader did not do any any any wrong ever and Cult Leader is the model man to be emulated and copied …just imagine…. . to be exactly like PureMad in regressive thinking and lack of morals and hygiene and clothing and dirty beards and all the c r a p that comes with being PureMad.
There are nearly 2 billion PureMads around…. who will do what for the ultimate peace prize though deafening violence?
Has to happen! Will !!
BLACK MAN Obama should do it . He’s black and well read. He MUST
know that this cult and it’s main book
which cannot be questioned ever has in store as slavery and rape for future little black girls and
boys like his darling black children today….. Let’s see. says
@Tabassum Fahim……………
When islam is banned what religion will you take up ? You have to be ready my dear …. will you become a buddhist or christian or what ? What will you do when islam is banned ?
Raymond Ibrahim: Sodomy “For the Sake of Islam”
Over at Gatestone Institute (via where the relevant links appear) I introduce the Anus Jihad:
Not only did the original “underwear bomber” Abdullah Hassan al-Asiri hide explosives in his rectum to assassinate Saudi Prince Muhammad bin Nayef—they met in 2009 after the 22-year-old Asiri “feigned repentance for his jihadi views”—but this “holy-warrior” apparently had fellow jihadists repeatedly sodomize him to “widen” his anus to fit the explosives—and all in accordance with the fatwas of Islamic clerics.
A 2010 Arabic news video that aired on Fadak TV gives the details. Apparently a cleric, one Abu al-Dema al-Qasab, informed al-Asiri and other jihadis of an “innovative and unprecedented way to execute martyrdom operations: place explosive capsules in your anus. However, to undertake this jihadi approach you must agree to be sodomized for a while to widen your anus so it can hold the explosives.”
Others inquired further by asking for formal fatwas. Citing his desire for “martyrdom and the virgins of paradise,” one jihadi (possibly al-Asiri himself) asked another sheikh, “Is it permissible for me to let one of the jihadi brothers sodomize me to widen my anus if the intention is good?”
After praising Allah, the sheikh’s fatwa began by declaring that sodomy is forbidden in Islam,
However, jihad comes first, for it is the pinnacle of Islam, and if the pinnacle of Islam can only be achieved through sodomy, then there is no wrong in it. For the overarching rule of [Islamic] jurisprudence asserts that ‘necessity makes permissible the prohibited.’ And if obligatory matters can only be achieved by performing the prohibited, then it becomes obligatory to perform the prohibited, and there is no greater duty than jihad. After he sodomize s you, you must ask Allah for forgiveness and praise him all the more. And know that Allah will reward the jihadis on the Day of Resurrection, according to their intentions—and your intention, Allah willing, is for the victory of Islam, and we ask that Allah accept it of you…
Continue reading.
Posted by Raymond on July 12, 2012 1:41 PM| 46 Comments
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In BloodCult logic and logical questions are blasphemy ….by the second question BloodCult murders the questioner. This cult has to be wiped out . we have to do it …but who will? What will it take ? Who will smash BloodCult ? Who will get into tomorrow’s history / herstory books? What will happen to our children’s children’s children if we don’t stop BloodCult now ish ? Women and children will be ruined …’s mind blowing …. just imagine….. NON-ARAB Muslims are the first victims of Islam.
BloodCult is a cult …on steroids…. BloodCult gotta go …mecca medina is gonna be on no one’s must-visit list soon.
BloodCult is being documented.
The file is fattening.
The mushrooms are going to be huge.
My Dear…. if you know a good blood-cultee please remember he is good in spite of BloodCult NOT BECAUSE OF BLOODCULT !!! The macabre cult of BloodCult corrupts the human mind ….the very fact that the good blood-cultee is still in the macabre cult of BloodCult means that he is open to the idea of his children being force fed hate and his corrupted children will definitely be dangerous to our non-cult children. We have to stop the macabre cult of BloodCult in its tracks. We have to think of our children’s lives because the macabre cult of BloodCult makes blood-cultees think of our children’s death so then only the macabre cult of BloodCult wins. The macabre cult of BloodCult is in a losing position if even one non-blood-cultee is alive. Do you understand all this ?
What part of “NUKE-EM” don’t we understand ?
BloodCult is cancer, the cure is radiation!
Who will get into the textbooks of future-history as the planet’s real savior ?
I HAVE A FEELING IT WILL BE AN INDIAN OR AN IRANIAN. MAYBE EVEN AN AFGAN who read his Buddhist history and came to his senses…. I HOPE IT’S A WOMAN BECAUSE IN THE END IT WILL BE A WOMAN’S JOB TO CLEAN UP THIS macabre MESS THIS ONE MAD MAN CALLED PUREMAD WRECKED ON THIS PLANET FOR THE LAST 1400 YEARS. All the blood and gore will come to an end at last and peace will come for our women and children. I have a feeling it’s going to be a woman who smashes macabre BloodCult by speaking and facing the truth of this horrible creeping Blood Cult. NON-ARAB Muslims are the first victims of Islam.
BloodCult has to be smashed for your sake.
For blood-cultees BloodCult has to be smashed.
THE WHOLE PLANET IS eagerly WAITING FOR THE DESTRUCTION AND COMPLETE WIPEOUT OF THE macabre CULT OF BLOOD CULT. The death cult of BloodCult will be smashed in our lifetime…watch. no one will miss it. peace will flourish
Who will get into the textbooks of future-history as the planet’s saviour ?
Blood Cultic tolerance is a contradiction in terms. The history of BloodCult is nothing more than fourteen hundred year story of non-stop MASS MURDER, EXPLOITATION, RACISM, INSTITUTIONALIZED RAPE, AND WIDESPREAD IMPOVERISHMENT.
• I would agree that mosques are places where terrorists can meet with apparent safety. Only moslems go in those places. With this in mind, the government should start to destroy them. They have NO PLACE in our culture.
Even the blood-cultee must be amused as to why they are allowed to live in non blood-cultee countries, have their children looked after by the state and in most cases claim money, and at the same time try to cause trouble.
We need a world wide referendum to decide if we want blood-cultees in our countries….including gentle INDIA.
I would vote the blood-cultees OUT. If they renounce their blood-cultees links, then they could maybe stay under controlled licence. like in blood-cultee-countries.
The Arab Blood Cultic Empire devastated whole continents killing and destroying Buddhist culture from Pakistan ,Iran, India, Malaysia, Indonesia. This Blood Cultic Empire as VS Naipaul the Nobel; laureate writes has ” caused psychological damage to millions of Blood Cultic converts” “they must deny their culture history and ancestors for the Arab history” “This has caused these people to be dislocated,volatile and violent.”
[email protected] says
At dr,music: u should stay in your limits, you dont have the guts to accept the truth u idiots. dont ever try to speak against our Prophet (PBUH) and there is only one and the only ALLAH. Hindus are such nonsense that they worship idols made by themselves, There is only one universal religion in this world and that is Islam. And at the end, Victory will always be for the Muslims.
one dharma says
ARABS use SLAVE muslim MAWALI populations…
ARABS convert so the CONVERT becomes an ARAB SLAVE, who then HAS TO PUSH ARABS ISLAM..
they then HAVE TO ADOPT arab name, arab culture, roots, lang, history, wedding, food rules, and MUST BOW AND FACE ARAB FIVE TIMES A DAY……..
therefore they CANNOT EXPLAIN WHAT ONE GOD MEANS, OR FORMLESS MEANS, without destroying ISLAM ITSELF….lool….
ASK ANY MUSLIM what DOES ONE GOD MEAN…does it mean that EVERYONE has to abide by the ONE ARAB GOD, with one ARAB LAW, and adhere to ARAB CULTURE, NAME, IDEOLOGY?
or does it mean the ONE UNIVERSAL DIVINE TRUTH, that is within all, in sikhs, buddhist, jain, athiest, hindus, aztecz, christian, jews, pagans, …errrr PEOPLE……
the answer is? = The one god in ISLAM, is the ONE ARAB GOD, thay all muslims MUST BOW TO ….the one law is the ONE ARAB LAW, where muslim have to abide to ARAB SHARIA LAW, CUSTOMS, IDEOLOGY, in other words muslims have to HONOR ARABS, BY MIMICKING THEM…
to easy to destroy islam. ARABS forbid opinion, critiism on islam……….IF THATS THE CASE, THEN MUSLIMS ARE FORBIDDEN TO UNDERSTAND OR QUESTION ARAB IDEOLOGY!
the next question is them, WHAT IS FAITH?, what is faith , if you cant argue, critize, opinion on it, what is FAITH, when the ARABS STATE you will be KILLED IF YOU LEAVE ARAB RULE?
Dr. O. P. Sudrania says
I feel ashamed as a Hindu with your such useless farting. If you have so much courage, then why did you not prevent it? The fact is that it the people ike you who are a part of Hindus’ problem, if I may assert it. What do you think you are doing in your blather? Only spreading hate. If you have something, be bold and write meaningfully. I am not a sympathiser of fundamentalist Islam and I do not spare any one when it comes to raise my voice. Please stop such meaningless crap. Do not spoil the sanctity of this pious blog. I am concerned because I write here my well researched articles. I shall never like to associate myself with a sight where only loose gossiping takes place. If and when there is something worthwhile, come up and say with head holding high. I am one of such persons who openly call for reform in Islam. But it is based with reason and a polite manners. Where do you stand, Fahim has paid you back far more rudely. Does it bode anything to you. I think I have to support Fahim here, because he has been very patient with your babble dabble. Please do not spoil the good name here. It is my request as a fatherly figure. I am sorry but it is very stinking and foul.
Dr. O. P. Sudrania says
Even Muslim of good standing do not support Pakistan. Majority of good Muslims in India do not support Pakistani jihadi and Fatwa business. If have to learn, read my articles on Islam and its fundamentalist designs. I get good feedback from Muslims themselves. They appreciate what I say. But a reasoned politely worded low tone talk will be heard and respected. I have openly challenged on Muslim blogs about idolatry and their practices of Nawaz, Hajj pilgrimage, and worship. They are all a part of idolatry and I have been collecting materials to write a good piece on it. I have done it but I have no time due to my engagement with current serie on castes. Fourth issue is nearly complete but it will take some more issue before I finally wind up. My first issue was on Islam, if I remember it correct on this very blog. I had a good pious Muslim commenting and I did reply him back with his satisfaction. That is how you should develop your acumen when your opponents also appreciat it. My aim is not to indulge in show off but try to highlight a human problem where Hindus are being blamed and you are one of them, if you think you are a Hindu. God bless. I have no malice against anyone but the truth must be told palatably. If I have been a little tough, it is only because I love you. We need someone to tell us our mistakes to recognise.
God bless says
July 29, 2012 at 7:04 pm At dr,music: u should stay in your limits, you dont have the guts to accept the truth u idiots. dont ever try to speak against our Prophet (PBUH) and there is only one and the only ALLAH.
…..LISTEN you muslim idiot ….ISLAM IS HARAM… don’t even know the other philosophies….your alllah is a figment of a guy called mohammad who in today’s terms would be a certified mad man and would be locked up for un=provoked murder and for spreading hate forcefully. YOU are stuck in islam because mohammad forces you to believe him and not ask difficult questions because mohammad knew that he was only a robber and murderer….mohammad was totally illiterate……you are smarter than mohammad…and so is my dog….As it is today the term “muslim” in the world is a spittoon and an insult. When will the murderous koran be openly discussed and rubbished on the world stage? We are waiting for the day . China and France will start the discussion. Watch.
BloodCult is HARAM. Somebody please make a bumper sticker in dirty Arabic , lovely English , romantic French and ancient hindi.
A group of muslims is called a “fester’ of muslims.
Muslims have been mis-lead for 1400 years by a liar and a psycopath. You are one of them. WAKE UP.
ALL blood-cultees (muslims) are sociopaths, since only someone without a conscience would call themselves a blood-cultee (muslim) and identify with such an evil monster like muhammad: probably the vilest (evil and filthy) criminal known to man. WAKE UP . ISLAM IS HARAM. says
Everytime and everyday when a muslim bangs his head on the floor he medically retards himself.
Islam is bad for mental health. This is a medical fact.
All the muslims with scars on their foreheads are self-retarded or Blood Cultly-retarded.
Islam is Haram.
repeat 5 times a day.
don’t bang your head on the hard ground and retard yourself like all those idiotic blood-cultees …just think …Islam is haram ….5 times a day .
Islam corrupts the human mind against women and children and force feeds hate to cult members. Islam the cult was started by a deranged fanatic to mass produce more and more deranged fanatics by banging their craniums on solid ground and damaging their brains 5 times a day.
All blood-cultees are fanatics and if you think they aren’t fanatical right now they will be worse soon because in Islam logic is blasphemy.
mecca is the turd on which blood-cultees are breeding like dirty flies. It’s time we took off the turd and vaporised it . Good hygiene for our planet . Let’s Turd-free our planet for the sake of our children. There’ll be a stink but someone’s got to do it .
PUREMAD’S Islam is the BIGGEST BIGGEST BIGGEST drain on our planet.
Because of Islam we are spending trillions of dollars just to keep blood-cultees in check.
Islam was started by a mad man called PUREMAD to generate more and more PUREMADs.
Islam is a cult on steroids that is now totally berserk because of politically correct idiotic policies.
iran should be made to level mecca and medina. Then party time.
It is time to get rid of Islam by simply bombing mecca and medina.
Blood-cultees believe that some kind of ALLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAH shield is over mecca and medina….so once a few ICBMs go thru they’ll all wake up en masse and realise they were all taken for a ride for 1400 years.
Blood-cultees have to start burning the stupid dirty koran themselves. but for that to happen mecca and medina have to be levelled.
A cult can’t last without it’s headquarters.
Everyday since it’s birth Islam has killed millions and millions and millions of innocent people and the Blood Cultic hydra is spreading and spreading and killing and killing but no one seems to be worried…
Right now we are a Type 0 (zero) civilization.
Till we stamp out Islam which is a negative twin of the positive von Neumann probes all research and technology is just a waste of time. Islam is the parasite we have to deal with right now once and for all or else all this is just up in the air that will be burnt and destroyed and a massive waste of time. Look into the future….Islam is about to blind the human race.
Since Islam is based on slavery and Cult Leader was a slave owner…exploiting people is good sharia. As soon as blood-cultees take over any land…. Exploitation and rape of anyone non blood-cultee is sharia compliant and encouraged. When the whole world becomes blood-cultee dominated….breeding of slaves of people who did not convert and will not convert will turn Slavery into a multibillion dollar industry and Earth as a planet will be the largest and biggest slave producer and exporter in the Universe. Islam as a cult that became a religion and a successful producer of non-stop misery will reach its zenith within a few hundred years from now. HORRIBLE is all one can say when one actually realises what one man with a severe mental disease can achieve even after death through chaos and hate as divine mental insanity. In Islam logic is blasphemy and hence its rabid success story.
But ENOUGH IS ENOUGH,,,,,,,islam has to GO. says
In Islam logic is blasphemy and hence its rabid success story.
Remember …..All great truths begin as blasphemies !! says
islam is a tool for arabs to be cruel to other muslims. islam is a system of slavery where only arabs can be the masters . muslims are not told that . soon we will see arabs and mullahs and ayatollahs hanging from lamp-posts and street signs all over the middle east. muslims are not dumb….islam keeps them dumb….soon it will start…. can’t wait for the first photos of mullahs swinging in the breeze as just-left-islam-muslim families pass by on their evening walks . Ahhh the peace that will come in everyone’s hearts….. Bye bye-murderous islam. says
If israel had any brains they’d make iran and saudi cancel each other with some super-booms.
one dharma says
1. what does ONE god mean in ARABS islam
2. what is the ONE universal law within ARABS islam
3. what Does formless mean in ARABS islam
my ANSWERS god in islam is the ONE ARAB GOD CALLED ALLAH. Nothing to do with universal or oneness, its the oneness of ARAB RULE.
2. The universal law in islam, is ARABS SHARIA LAW, which enforce all NON muslims to adhere to ARAB LAW, or face punishment, violence, aggression, where MUSLIMS HAVE to abide by ARAB LAW, culture, name, ideology, origins, history, food rules, wedding rules, marriage rules, sex rules, and they must FACE AND BOW in the direction of the HOME OF ARABS. Also once they CONVERT, a CONVERT is forbidden to leave the ARABS system without being killed or punished. Which leads to the question, what is the meaning of FAITH IN ISLAM, (that could be question 4)
3. Because ARABS want total focus on THEM, the IDOL in islam is mecca, where EVERYONE has to face it, all previous arts, culture was replaced by ARAB centred ideology. Arabs dont understand GOD, they dont know what FORMLESS OR FORM means. To understand formless you need to reliase form. Form of mothers, sisters, brothers, the earth, the animals, the reflection of the devine, but ARABS due to a desert culture, force their women to cover up, young daughters to cover up, cases of violence acid thrown on womens faces, tortured, disfigured, ARABS cant see GOD, or understand GOD, to understand FORMLESS you need FORM. Thats why Hindus see god in everyone, and respect that, and thats why ARABS condenm their women, destroy art, attack kafirs, promote hatred, because its an ARAB EXPANSION and nothing to do with GOD! Why else cover a young child head to toe, because you want to stop lust?…LUST comes from adults not young children, sexual abuse comes from men, not women, so why cover women and NOT ADDRESS the morality within ISLAMIC MEN?………Because islam WAS created by ARABS to be expansionist, and women are nothing more than reproducers, thats why the father gets all righst over children, can have many wives, and in heaven he will get anothery sex orgy, but on earth they cover women because they dont want OTHER MUSLIM MEN, not western men, BUT OTHER MUSLIM MEN from lusing and seeking them, thats why they cover women, because the men in islam have not covered their own ego, desires, and lust. The end result of ARABS ISLAM, that if the men carry out ALLAHS LAW, via ARAB RULE, they will get a sex orgy in heaven, once again highlighting the lowest factor in human kind, LUST, sex, orgies, which is promoted as devine union with GOD!…lol….And women in heaven are sex slaves of the men…………….can you imagine the god that would create such vile moral codes?………Now in sharia law enforced in 2012, states NON muslims WILL BE OPPRESSED, enslaved, attacked, UNTIL THEY ACCEPT ARAB RULE……and once in arab rule, if they WANT TO LEAVE……THE ARAB STATE, THE CHARGE IS DEATH…
So its VERY EASY to see, how VAIN AND SHALLOW ISLAM IS. Now every islamic country is an islamic state, meaning LAW, ETHICS, EDUCATION, is centered around ISLAM. EVERY islamic land is a dictatorship that means sudan, nigeria, eguypt, morocca, saudi arabia, pakistan, bangladesh, indonsia, jordan, syria, ARE ALL STATE SPONPOSERED ISLAMIC STATES, which OPENLY restrict the rights of HINDUS, and to covnert a muslim is punishable by DEATH. yet islam is the biggest CONVERTOR of all people, to ARAB RULE.
In india they hide this, they hide the fact that MUSLIMS In india want secualarism, but in EVERY ISLAMIC LAND, their is no such thing, NO SUCH THING.
So the muslims in india are USING THE FREEDOM OF RIGHTS, to insert INTOLERANCE…Muslim in india talk about hindu terrorism, since 2002 their has been over 20,000 islamic terrorist attacks around the world. What do muslims in india talk of?…they are being attackes, its COMMON IN islam to play a polemic view, in other words, ISLAM does not accept hindu, sikh, buddhist or jain faiths, and as such IT WILL NOT ACCEPT ANY RULING FROM THEM……So the gujerat riots becames an act of muslim are being attacked, when it was MUSLIM INTOLERANCE fulled by arab ideology to STOP A TRAIN AND BURN KAFIRS……… But muslims in india, do not talk of the 20,000+ terrorist attacks carried out by muslim expansionist……ITS AMAZING, how you can deny information to create a certain pov.
ONE thing also, christianity and islam are one religous two sects, they come from the same lineage, roots, and origins, adam eve, noah, moses, abraham, they BOTH adhere to the ideology that ARABS AND EUROPEANS come from NOAHS first two sons, who where light skinned, and noahs third son, HAM was cursed to be a slave to the first two. Hence the islamic and chrstian expansion accros the world, they both have the EXACT SAME IDEOLOGY, to convert the world.
BUT REMEMEBR, god has nothing to do with islam or chrisitianity, its two man made faiths to enslave people into a system, which then promotes violence, conversion, plunder, attacking kafirs, heathesn as an ACT OF FAITH, A MISSION OF GOD, when its nothing more than an act of ARAB/EUROPEAN expansion………. In arabis the ARABS call non arab muslim, MAWALI, meaning a worker of an arab, a person who has to push arab law, culture, ideology via islam, a mawali who is slave worker of arabs, cannot buy land in arabia, cannot marry an arab women, and does not have ANY RULE OVER ARABS. Why do you think SAUDI arabia wants american to attack other islamic countries?…………To get them BACK under ARAB RULE. Muslim soceit accross the world are then HELD PRISONER TO ARAB LAW, cant marry non muslim, first counsi marriage, genital mutilation, forced marriage, no education or full rights to women, cutting hands and feet off people, killing, stoning people for wanting to leave the arab system…….
SYRIA is now known as SYRIA-ARAB .
i only have one question, to any muslim, WHAT DOES ONE GOD MEAN IN ARAB ISLAM?
is it the ONE ARAB GOD?…or something universal?
When you ask the right question you VERY QUICKLY UNDERSTAND THE TRUTH AND PROBLEMS.
one dharma says
Christ the creation of ROME. Jewish god YESHUA and greek god ZEUS to make…YEZUS, OR JEZUZ.
Now whats the concept of CHRSITIANITY, your born in sin, (same in islam), and the onnly to made god HAPPY, is to follow certain laws and religouns, but if you choose the wrong one then your going to hell. What does choose mean, they want you to choose the right one, so they want to abide by a certain law, idenity, culture, ideology, which is ROME, european. The european converts and then teh convert has to adhere to european name, ideology, culture, identity, origins, history in other words a european worker psuhing european rule via chrisitanity…
Now lets look at the higest VALUE of YEZUZ or christ.
A MAN DIED, they say HE DIED FOR YOU!, your mistakes, HE DIED FOR YOU!!!…you never met the guy, you dont evern know what he looks like, BUT HE DIED FOR YOU, and as such….BECAUSE HE DIED FOR YOU!!!………………………dont you owe him anything?
A man you never knew, spoke, touche, heard, dont know his chanracter, mind, soul, but HE DIED FOR YOU, in another part of the world, DONT YOU OWE HIM ANYTHING? (typical christian talk)
Because he DIED FOR YOU!…you should HONOR HIM, by BOWING TO THE LAWS OF ROME!…..
The first time in history BLACMAIL was used a devine figure. the Idol was a broken white man, blood pouring from every joint, a thorn on his head, and this is god love, in other words ITS GOOD TO SUFFER for ROMES IDOL……. EUROPEANS went round the world with this digusting idol of a tortured man, and then state THIS IS GOD LOVE, if you dont accept then you will GET FAR MORE PUNIHSMENT THAT GOD ONLY SON!!…lol
A man died in japan, they say he DIED FOR YOU!…..and now you must HONOR this guy for the rest of your life, even though you never knew him and what he said was if you dont accept me you will go to hell?…,……………..Does that sound devine to you? is that god, or is that the MUSLIM/CHRISTIAN origins of religion, to SELL GOD to enslave you into a european/arab ideology.
LEARN HISTORY, truth comes easy.
one dharma says
Halal meat is what?
RITUAL arab practices.. Get an animal, Slit the throat, (which is very important), LET THE BLOOD POUR OUT, as the animal is still living, (its meant to be blessing on the animal from allah)…..while this taking place, the animal has to face mecca while an arab prayer is repeated over and over again
Tell me how is this not a RITUAL!…lool.
ISLAM is WHOLLY a RITUAL religion, MUSLIMS have to ABIDE BY ARAB CULTURE AND IDEOLOGY, they have to CUT the foreskin off their YOUNG, their young girls are given genital mutilation where the vagina is STITCHED together which a small opening for urination.
If someone does wrong in islam, they are STONED, or hands feet cut off. First cousin marriage is PROMOTED and desired, rather than distant marriage, muslim women cant marry non muslim men, but the men can. Women have to cover up, because of the sexual desire of MAN.
They have to BOW five times a day when praying, but they have to FACE MECCA, so that means Muslim in nigeria, suda, croatia, pakistan, america, artic, japan, china, australia, ALL HAVE TO FACE ARABS..
When in MECCA, they STONE an imaginary devil, while kissing a stone. Then promoting in heaven a sex orgy. Now in egyot a new law passed allowing men to have sex with their dead wives for upto 6 hours!….
HOW IS THAT NOT A BACKWARD FAITH…and ONE god in islam means, THE ONE ARAB GOD…nothing to do with UNIVERSAL TRUTH, its like a GERMAN GOD, or a french god, or a sudanese god, or a cuban god, ISLAM is ARAB expansion.
Now look at hinduism, No meat, any sacrifices are done QUICK and clean, and NO hindu scripture insits on killing, in fact NO person will object to a total ban, HOWEVER MUSLIMS would object to ban on HALAL RITUAL SLAUGHTER……..Hinduism always pro vegetarian.
Marriage is FORBIDDEN between close families, no cousin marriage, a BIG NO NO. Hindu have to face nowhere and their mind is not enslaved to ONE LOCATION…..ARABIA.
When hindus say god is within all, they mean all, every atom, animal, person, everything..
When you ask muslim if god is with all, they say NO, only with ARAB enslaved muslims. They openly attack other faiths, and systems and openly convert others, BUT IN ISLAM ITS A OFFENSE TO LEAVE OR BE CONVERTED OUT…. weird RIGHT! LOL
Islam states god is only formless, is that why they dont get form, and why they attack women for not wearing hajib, or throwing acid on a womens face when rejected with marriage?…God is present in form from form you understand formless, THATS WHAT MUSLIMS cant get, because ARABS wanted islam without ANY TRUE CULTURE OR ARTS, that might take slave followers away or give then a way back to their own roots, so all previous arts where destroyed, for offending ..GOD!…LOL…
they make women wear black hajibs because any other other would offend GOD!…they say its okay to fok a young girl, and allow temp marriage for SEX, also islam has never ever ended slavery…so slav trade is VERY ACTIVE in arab controlled african states…….
When you take all of this in account, you can see QUITE CLEARLY how false the ARABS ARE..
AND GUESS what the offense for leaving islam is?………………..remember they say its a FAITH, the penalty for leaving the ARAB FAITH is…………death.
I ask once again, is their ANY MUSLIM CONVERT that can tell us what the ARAB CONCEPT OF one god, formless and truth is?
IS it universal truth, or is it WHOLLY ARAB CENTRIC? Now every islamic land is AN ISLAMIC STATE meaning all laws education, politics revolve around ISLAM….so why do muslim in India talk about democracy, human rights, religous rights, when in EVERY ISLAMIC LAND,, hindus are worth 22 times less than a muslim AKA SHARIA LAW……blood payments. No hiindu can rule over a muslim, a muslim cannot be killed for killing a non muslim, a hindu has to walk out of the way of an arab, the hindu has no rights in islamic land……
But MUSLIMS converted indian BY ARAB SLAVE TRADERS, are sold an education, by ARABS….then are then TOLD and made to accept arab rule, name, ideology, history, lang, culture, wedding, and law, then then are TOLD TO CONVERT MORE AND MORE…..arabs sell this as GOD, its nothing more than an ARAB ELITE EXPANSION…….the same way ROME CARRIED OUT THE slavery and the occupation of america, south america, australia and africa…..
Dr. O. P. Sudrania says
“When hindus say god is within all, they mean all, every atom, animal, person, everything..”
This includes kaaba also. A Hindu God is Omnipresent, not just shakled inside the four closed walls of a cubicle.
“Kyon naa peeon (drink) sharaab masjid me baithkar, yaa phir woh jagah bataa jahaan khudaa naa basataa ho”.
Dr. O. P. Sudrania says
Like all roads lead to Rome, a Hindu prayer leads to God, in which direction or wherever you pray to. His Kaaba is everywhere and in all directions. Everything is imbued with “God Particle”. That is why the principle was first given to this world through a Hindu – Satyendra Nath Bose called boson. Later renamed Higgs particle just like the spurious theory of Indus Valley Civilisation. A Hindu mind still declares, “Vasudev kutumbakam”. Entire world is my brotherhood.
gaurav sharma says
my all friends please open your eyes , no religions can take you to god or allah . because these things were purely political. and islam is the most political out of them and Muhammad is the first person how fought for the right of poor classes and women right in the arabs. but very soon he good will convert into his ill will .
he is the most Hippocratic person on earth ever born.
he married for money to his Mistress
she kept him in command till her death and that is the best period of Islam
all test written during that period is very pure and nice in quran and other Islamic book.
but after her death Muhammad got married within 12 women in 11-12 years of life.
he said god only send massage to him what a lie.
and if you believe then real kaffir you.
gaurav sharma says
religion is just a fashion kids don’t fight on it.
because what ever you are following , god is indifferent about these practices
just try to be a good human being because god /gods made us human not hindu or muslim or some other.
1. super natural + love = god
2.super natural + hate = Satan (devil )
vote your religion on this basis