(CHAKRA) A widely respected and read liberal and left-leaning broadsheet, the Guardian remains one of Britain ’s most prestigious newspapers. It prides itself on taking a balanced view of all issues and taking what many would regard as a progressive stance.
However it is a different issue when it comes to Hindus. Indeed a casual glance at the online version in particular would reveal an eclectic mix of writers who have a disturbing animus against anything remotely Hindu, a collection of rather odd fellows who between them manage to soil and stain the sheets of an increasingly unhygienic bed. Now with the array of opinions found in the Guardian this would not be of such concern. Other beliefs also get dissected in minute detail. That is the hallmark of a free society where liberty of conscience and thought is paramount. However that is balanced by having opinions of a different strand in order for the readership to benefit from this wide range of divergent yet intelligent opinions. Once again, Hindus are the exception. As HHR knows from its own experience Hindu opinion can only be expressed if it conforms to those very anti-Hindu opinions pushed forward by such contributors as Priyamvada Gopal and Arundhati Roy, two classic Marxist products of India ’s close-minded Stalinist-style education system. Even David Griffiths from the hardcore right-wing extremist fundamentalist outfit Christian Solidarity Worldwide is allowed to preach the most virulently bigoted anti-Hindu diatribes from the platform of a supposedly liberal newspaper. Indeed there is nothing better to get the approval and attention of this liberal newspaper than hysterical foot-stomping against Hindus. In this way many writers have found their way on the Comment is Free section. The uncompromising anti-Hindu hatred this engenders bares disturbing parallels to the southern states of America before civil rights, where any aspiring politician merely had to stoke up the latent animus and fear of blacks in order to win the popular mandate.
However Hindus are banned from responding in kind, and if lucky, will be allowed to merely add their comments. On the other hand we have representatives from all other faiths given free reign and liberty, something which again the Guardian denies to Hindus. Instead it would find some latter day ‘Gunga-Dins’, compliant and passive self-hating writers of a Hindu background whose role can be compared to South Africa’s black homeland leaders under apartheid. Occasionally, and I mean only very occasionally, the Guardian does publish a Hindu perspective of sorts. But again not only does this have to conform to the passive parameters, it simply cannot compare to the avalanche of anti-Hindu writings which predominate in this liberal newspaper online Comment is Free section. After all did Ian Smith bringing Bishop Abel Muzorewa into the Rhodesian government make that illegal regime any less white supremacist and discriminative towards the majority black population? In the pages of the Guardian we find classic bleeding heart liberal comments that would even defend feral teenagers trashing people’s shops and businesses, all in the higher ideal of obtaining loot, notably the prized plasma television set. But if anyone tried to write anything positive about Hinduism then that would not even merit a casual glance. Comment is Free on the Guardian website has provided a thriving market for anti-Hindu hatred in Britain . Any polite request to ask the Guardian for a balanced view is ignored, no mater how informed and educated. The brusque and smug manner in which the Guardian arrogantly deals with this can be compared to how even after winning his Olympic medal, Muhammad Ali nevertheless found he was not welcome at ‘whites only’ lunch counters.
Many of those small businesses that were attacked by rampaging mobs are owned by Hindus. These hard working people who labour round the clock to make ends meet contribute much to the communities in which they live by providing essential services. How ironic that under their very nose they stock a newspaper which takes anti-Hindu prejudice as part of its acceptable standard discourse and mercilessly crushes any attempt to see other points of view: unless they are deliberately weak in comparison and can be laughed at as apologetics for an obscurantist and backward belief system unlike all the others, and from a community that should learn its place by remaining passive and the human punchbag for the aforementioned anti-Hindu eclectic substandard literati to vent their frustrations in a manner which can accurately be described as colonialist and racist. Terms such as liberal, conservative, left and right therefore have little meaning where such narrow-minded bigotry is concerned. Hatred is hatred, even if it does come from the pages of a well–respected newspaper which claims to be liberal.
by Ranbir Singh HHR
Arjun says
If most Hindu newsagents in london stopped stocking this anti hindu rag then the Guardian will be in very serious economic trouble.Something the hindu representatives in the UK should look into to influence the Hindu business forums to use their economical muscle to teach this Guardian of closet bunch of racists a very good lesson..
Ralph says
Bravo for the article. Hear, Hear!
G B SINGH says
A new genre of apartheid!
Indian says
Great article.
Anonymous says
Hindus are themselves responsible for not being political.
raj says
I only came across this website over this w/end.The British are still angry that they had to give up “their
jewel in the crown of their empire” namely India. To punish India they created Pakistan and brought in hundreds of thousands of Pakistanis to UK. BBC is also part of this establishment.
Like in India-in the UK the muslims are multiplying in their hundreds of thousands.it is predicted in the census UK in the year 2050 will be a muslim country. cleaver readers of the guardian have in place a policy of child tax credits and child benefits – guess who is maximising these benefits.more children you have more state benefits you get.
In the UK – to keep the pakistani muslim population happy they even allowed grown pakistani men to sexually abuse white girls between the ages of 12 to 15. police and social services took no action- reason do not want to offend the muslim commnunity- this has gone on for 20 years- only now the respected Times paper exposed this scandal.
In the UK muslims have large families – guess what they are given very large houses but their own white english live in squalid conditions- come and see for your self. Muslims get priority in good housing.
I hope this explains the attitude of the british towards India and in particular hindus.
Labour party introduced the human rights act guess who benefits- the muslim terrorists who are not deported saying that the US prisons are to harsh.millions of english pounds are spent by the state to provide legal services to these known terrorists.
Only request i would make to all hindus is send emails to the guardian and bbc if you see any bias- but you must flood their inboxes with complaints.
I suppose have a catho;ic as your leader of the party does not help matters.
I suppose to have a peaceful non-violent passive let and let live attitude is not compatible with faiths who have converted people by war, invasion sheer brutality-
a) catholics came to sri lanka and destroyed the temple where the buddha preached
b) invading muslims destroyed the temples and places of learning in india
c) christians wiped out the civilisations of south america
d) indulged in mass slavery of the black people for 400 years
Have the hindus done such things NO- we do not convert people nor are we in the conversion business
raj says
My note to all Hindus- ref abuse of Hindus and our all encompassing Hindu Faith.
If ever you visit a sheep farm you will see a dog called the sheepdog which herds the sheep into a cage like area. The sheep who are unthinking and are afraid of the sheepdog and goes in the direction where the sheepdog wants it to.But the sheepdog is controlled by the sheperd by whistles and shouts- sheep ignore these whistles and shouts.
What does this remind you of – sheepdog is the intolerant and ignorant mullah or christian priest- their congregation are unthinking sheep. You know who the is persons behind the sheepdog.This person claims to be inspired by divine powers.
Please remember the sheep have been responsible for most brutal crimes against humanity in the name of their sheperd for many hundreds of years.
Let us not be the sheep let us together meet head on all injustices against the Hindus and our glorious faith.