(CHAKRA) To The People of India, Greetings, I address you collectively as a nation, as nation builders, and as individuals capable of rationale and reasoning. Read PART 1 – Open Letter to India: Looking Back in Time
Let us focus on the word ‘minority’. What exactly does it mean to be a minority? Take the example of a multi-national company, say, ‘McDonalds’, which has a franchise set up in India. Would one by any means consider McDonalds a “minority” company? Of course not, simply because its nexus lies abroad, and what is present in India is simply an off-shoot; a subsidiary branch of something large having its base outside.
Same is the case with Christianity in India; foreign nexuses around the globe have set up institutions in our country. These Christian Institutions in India are not a minority, they are simply connecting nodes, equipped and commandeered from abroad to serve a specific purpose.
So to get things clear, Christianity, as it exists in India in its current form, cannot be considered a minority.
Just as the funding for a multinational corporation in India comes from outside the country, a staggering amount of money running these organizations comes not from Christians living in India, but centers abroad, and most of them under the guise of providing service, which in reality are set up to convert as many Indians to their faith as they possibly can.
How do they go about doing it? It has been rampant for the past few centuries now. Right from the time the British set foot in India, seeds of conversion were already being sown.
There are several challenges involved in colonizing a nation. What makes it easier to accomplish is when you present yourself as their superiors, in some cases, even their saviors. Such an agenda gave rise to a very destructive and false notion known as the ‘Aryan Invasion Theory’ (AIT).
AIT basically postulates that the ancient Indians of Vedic times derived their civilization and Vedic religion from foreign invaders.
The word ‘Aryan’ comes from the Sanskrit word ‘Arya‘ (????), which simply means ‘noble’. It has absolutely nothing to do with race. The Europeans had us believe otherwise.
It took many prominent historians decades of struggling against the inertia of false ideologies, created by colonist brainwashing- not to mention dissenting views of many biased anti-Indian historians- to finally drive the nail on this theory, and thankfully as a result it is losing its validity even in academic circles. You can find innumerable related studies on the internet or otherwise; few of which include ‘Solid Evidence Debunking Aryan Invasion’, by David Frawley; ‘History of Ancient India’, by Kamlesh Kapur; ‘The Collapse of the Aryan Invasion Theory’, by Professor Nicholas Kazanas- among others.
The AIT gave rise to many tragic conclusions. A known fact is that Hitler’s Nazism was heavily based on the AIT notion, and that led to the killing of millions of innocent people, due to a sense of racial superiority. Unfortunately the roots of lies run very deep; AIT is still running rounds, having re-packaged itself as the ‘Aryan Migration Theory’.
Another major and contemporary problem is the Dravidian identity. As mentioned, one of the postulates of AIT states that the Aryans came from the outside, and the Dravidians were the original inhabitants of India. This split the nation into two along the geo-politico-socio-cultural lines. Some in the southern states consider themselves Dravidians, and wish to carve a separate identity, even a separate nation for themselves. Unfortunately they bought into the AIT premise and do not understand that the people of India as a whole are an indigenous lot.
This topic has been masterfully dealt in the book ‘Breaking India’ authored by Mr. Rajiv Malhotra and Mr. Aravindan Neelakandan. This book is highly recommended for those who are interested in knowing about the various issues plaguing India today. I have spoken to one of the co-authors at length, and the situation does look very bleak at this point. I quote from their website:
The fabrication of South Indian history is being carried out on an immense scale with the explicit goal of constructing a Dravidian identity that is distinct from that of the rest of India. From the 1830s onwards, this endeavor’s key milestones have claimed that south India: is linguistically separate from the rest of India; has an un-Indian culture, aesthetics and literature; has a history disconnected from India’s; is racially distinct; is religiously distinct; and, consequently, is a separate nation.
Tamil classical literature that predates the 19th century reveals no such identity conflicts especially with “alien” peoples of the north, nor does it reveal any sense of victimhood or any view of Westerners or Christians as “liberators.” This identity engineering was begun by British colonial and missionary scholars, picked up by politically ambitious south Indians with British backing, and subsequently assumed a life of its own. Even then it was largely a secular movement for political power (albeit with a substratum of racist rhetoric). In recent decades, however, a vast network of groups based in the West has co-opted this movement and is attempting to transform Tamil identity into the Dravidian Christianity movement premised on a fabricated racial-religious history
This rewriting of history has necessitated a range of archeological falsities and even epigraphic hoaxes, blatantly contradicting scientific evidence. Similar interventions by some of the same global forces have resulted in genocides and civil wars in Sri Lanka, Rwanda and other places. If unchallenged these movements could produce horrific outcomes in South India.
Dalits in India, who are very much a part of Hinduism, are being strategically trained to turn against Hinduism. This is a two-part process. The first step involves converting them to ‘Neo-Buddhism’, which has only a namesake association with Buddhism, but in reality is simply an anti-Hindu construct. While Buddhism itself is a beautiful religion, Neo-Buddhism is a part of a bitter two-step agenda of alienation and conversion.
In the second step, already drenched with anti-Hindu propaganda, these Neo-Buddhist Dalits fall easy prey to be converted to Christianity.
It is not uncommon to see pictures of Jesus shown sitting in Padmasana (lotus posture), and termed as a more “recent” Avatara, in an attempt to lure Hindus away. I was narrated incidents of school-bus drivers, who will stall the vehicle in the middle of the road, and ask the children to pray to their favorite God so they can get to school safely. The kids pray to their Hindu deities to no avail. Then they are asked to pray to Jesus, and voila, the engine purrs with life. Other methods include shamelessly offering food if one pledges their allegiance to Christianity. Some downright offer money and some even create intentional friction in different families, initiating them in the Church under the pretext of offering help.
Charity is when you provide something to the needy, with no strings attached. In the case of these missionaries, their strings tangle you up for good: families fall apart, lives are destroyed, and the entire social structure crumbles to the ground. As we already discussed, the money to fund these activities comes from abroad. This money goes to strategically aim at the poorest and most uneducated strata of society, to strip them away from their traditional roots.
There are many cases where the Christians bully or outcaste their Hindu neighbours to the point that they convert to Christianity just to be socially accepted.
These were just glimpses of the enormous scale on which such happenings occur. This is how these divisive forces accomplish the task of abducting people from their Hindu roots through a process of constant brainwashing and trickery.
Vote-bank politics works by disallowing the minorities from merging in with the mainstream culture, purposely segregating them, making them feel inadequately represented, and polarizing their votes to gain election victories. These vote-bank politics apply not only to Dalits, but also to Christians and Muslims, as stated earlier. Little do they know that the very politicians who claim to liberate them, are only caging them further. The principle is deceivingly simple- if you make someone believe they are handicapped, and offer an imaginary crutch, naturally you have their support.
If a common tragedy occurs, the news-heading will be sure to include that the victim was a Dalit. If it was a Brahmin or some other varna, it would certainly go unmentioned. Thus we helplessly witness the demonizing of Brahmins, and over time it becomes engraved in our cultural psyche, with these induced ideas becoming our own. Brahmin bashing is a long standing obsession of our media.
Contemplating a little, it is only natural that our politicians prefer to keep the class distinction alive, in order to scoop up their votes. This is the primary cause for these factions being underdeveloped compared to the rest of the nation. The only way to overcome this marginalization is through raising awareness and voting intelligently during elections.
So far we have discussed the disease that plagues our nation as well as the associated symptoms. The cure enjoins the active participation of each one of you.
Verily, it all begins and ends with the individual. Individuals make a family, families form a society, a society sets trends that become a part of our national psyche, and these trends steer the present into the future, through precedents for forthcoming generations to look up to.
If a few individuals shun their duties, others have to bear the weight of their dropped responsibility. When the count reaches a critical number, we fall as a nation, and everything we hold dear and sacred come tumbling down with us like a house of cards.
A democracy that was once of the people, by the people and for the people undergoes an ugly metamorphoses to become a dictatorship of the politicians, by the politicians and for the politicians- a la Congress. Here the pawns are the educated elite- especially in the media business, and the victims are all of us.
A ‘meme’ can be looked upon as a theoretical unit of an idea. It is the carrier of cultural themes, symbols and traditions that flow from mind to mind, generation to generation. What we consider socially acceptable or unacceptable, our likes and dislikes, fads, fashions, and thoughts prevalent in our society today; these are all prompted by memes. The huge nation-wide furor over corruption and support for Anna Hazare too latched onto the public through memes alone. Memes spread like viruses, with each individual mind being the host.
The most dangerous one unleashed is pseudo-secularism. This is nothing short of Intellectual Terrorism. What the divisive organizations and foreign nexuses do is smother our traditional memes and deliberately flood them with a barrage of introduced ideas to suit their own agenda. As a result, it has become common practice; even fashionable, for Hindus to disenfranchise themselves from their customs, rituals, and religion, all of which are resultant effects of an overdose of methodical brainwashing by the divisive forces covertly at work. This is done by soliciting and/or exploiting the System- comprising of the polity, the intelligentsia, the academia and the media.
As individuals, you have the power to influence. Simply by discussing these issues with your family and friends, you can effectively undo some of the damage done by popular media, by being a medium in your own sphere of influence. You can generate new Dharmic ideas, as well as resurrect old ones that are being methodically erased.
As householders, you can ensure that your children grow up in a cultured setting by re-instating Hindu values at home. Taking them to the temple, keeping ancient family practices alive, and the studying of Indian philosophies is a great way to start. It is a fundamental economic principle that demand facilitates supply. Once a market is created it acts as a feedback mechanism, so demand the incorporation of yoga as part of Physical Training (PT) in school, demand Sanskrit to be taught in class, encourage extra-curricular activities like classical dance and singing. If these aren’t offered in school, kindly enroll your child in some independent institution for the same. In due time, your dissatisfaction with the system will compel the schools to cater to these needs. All these things will go a long way in re-discovering our long lost cultural ethos, both in our homes and in society.
As citizens, please vote responsibly in elections. Make your voice heard through the ballots. Politics isn’t dirty; it is people who exploit it because the well intended ones do not take interest in it. Every citizen of the world should be politically aware as a minimum social responsibility.
First they came for the communists,
and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a Jew.
Then they came for me,
and there was no one left to speak out for me.
-Martin Niemöller
These statements reference the inaction on part of the German intellectuals, in the face of rising Nazism. They remained silent and allowed injustice to sweep the nation. Our national discourse has been polluted and we are all equally responsible for cleaning it up.
Facts by themselves are lifeless, but when clothed as ideas, they come alive. Ideas cannot be contained- they are self-illuminating, they always find a way to shine even through the smallest crevices, given the faintest sign of hope. Each point discussed in this analysis is an idea worth sharing. The time has come to reclaim our roots through a new wave of interest. Let this be an intellectual awakening. First make it yours, and then share it with others. This revolution can either begin or end at your doorstep, I fervently appeal to you to carry the torch forward.
By Prashant Parikh
Jeet Bhargava says
Beautiful analysis. May Maa Sarasvati bless you for noble cause of Hindu awakening.
V says
Thank you Jeet bhai