Illegal Construction of Masjid being Protected by PMC
By Antony Thomas
- Many Old Hindu temples are destroyed by the Indian Government to build Roads and other Places of worship
Pune, Maharashtra (CHAKRA) – Pune Municipal Corporation made a decision to keep the illegal construction of ‘Adambagh’ Masjid on corporations land, where it was decided the land would be used to develop a hanging garden. According to administration, a unanimous decision by the PMC, police and Adambagh trustees was made to allow for this mosque to remain at this location so as not to hurt anyone’s sentiment.
However, just days before, the decision makers failed to allow Hindu protesters to save the very old ‘Dnyaneshwar Paduka Mandir’ on Fergusson College road. Instead, the Hindu protestors request was neglected and the Hindu Mandir was removed without consideration for sentiment in this case.
The mosque wall was built illegally during the night, by Muslims regardless of knowing that the land was prohibited and set aside for the building of the hanging garden. Till date, administration has had no courage to ask for the mosque wall to be torn down and instead the police force resources have been used to keep secure the area around the mosque should something go wrong due to the increase of tension. These police resources should be elsewhere in better use—not wasted this way!
The question that lies repeatedly is, “why is such unfair treatment towards Hindus continuously supported and not fought against, and if protests are made why are they continuously ignored—especially in the case of an illegal misconduct?” It is up to Hindu’s to ask these questions daily and stand up for the right of our nation even if we are continuously ignored. It is an unfortunate time in history to see even a pro-Hindu ruling party ignore such significant matters. When such acts are committed against law and endlessly ignored, the legal authority of government and rights of Hindu’s lose credibility and will cease to exist.
we all know the congress government doesn’t know what religious equality is and always gives Hindus the boot