(CHAKRA) In the recent killings of four Hindu doctors of whom three were brothers, members of the Hindu community from the Citizens for Democracy (CFD), have condemned the act, classifying it as a serious hate crime.
According to the CFD, this crime is not an isolated case and is one more act of hatred towards Hindus in Sindh, along with a number of other consecutive crimes. The inevitable system, which has given birth to and honed such racist acts are to blame. It is the reason why institutionalized discrimination takes place in Pakistan to extreme levels where one’s life is put at risk. The risk of losing ones honour, property, and life have increased, making life unbearably insecure, according to a spokesperson for the CFD.
The CFD further stated that women have been primary victims to the faith-based crimes against Hindus in Sindh. Women have been abducted, raped, forced to convert and marry their abductors. They have given no choice but to obey their abductors as a result of threats given to kill their loved ones.
Overtime a type of ethnic cleansing is taking place and in the most direct way possible, yet a Hindu is not able to stand up for their rights in the country due to the institutionalized racism, discrimination and mistreatment of the minority population. More and more Hindus are emigrating out of the country, leaving their homes and belongings behind in the midst of escaping.
On Eid, in Shikarpur a cruel campaign commenced to force conversions and hatred against Hindus which led to the unfortunate event of four doctors being murdered. Shikarpur was once home to rich Hindu traders, and known for its havelis and artisans. However, overtime they have been gradually marginalized and since the partition, there remains only a 9% Hindu population in the whole country of Pakistan.
In the statement made by the CFD, they emphasized that many Muslims in Pakistan are driven by contempt for the Hindu religion and further encouraged by the legal system that supports their hatred. The legal system in Pakistan either creates their laws to go against the interests of minority Hindus or they turn the other cheek when it comes to aiding Hindus in need of service and security.
The four doctors, Naresh Kumar, Ajeet Kumar, Ashok Kumar and Satyapal were brutally gunned down one after the other in the name of tribal honour and religious prejudice, according to the CFD. They were brutally targeted not only because all four of them were from a minority community but because they were from a respected profession and were helping the poor Hindu community to stay healthy and get the health aid they needed.
The CFD demanded that the government take action against the culprits of such a heinous crime so that justice can be served although nothing can bring back the four honourable men.
Overall, they warned the global public of the culprits getting away with such a crime because of their ties with the ruling PPP party who would protect them. All they ask is that people become aware of the lack of justice served for the minorities in the country.
G B SINGH says
Religion fragments humanity.
Dr. O. P. Sudrania says
It is the “Organised Religion” after the start of these barbaric medieval Abrahamic religions that the divisive forces sprung up. This is worst now with Islam. Christians have become more sophisticated due to the Western patronage which is mostly Christian socieities. Religion in its pristine form looks unity in diversity but its facies have been distorted. They have discovered divisive hated ideologies. Pakistan is a curse on the earth. They openly teach hate lessons in madarsas and mosques in their Jumma prayers, do not pray but prey. The mullahs there spew venoms on Friday afternoon Jumma prayer. Most of the Islamic atrocities start after Jumma in India. Kashmir Valley is rife with them.
Hindus have become alien in India itself because the rulers here are not hindus but a fascimile of Hindus. It is unfortunate that anyone speaking for Hindus is branded communal but if you speak of non Hindus that is lauded as secular. India must be the only nation where the majority is sacrificed for minority in one pretext or the other. Hndus have no takers at global levels. Because in this both Christians and Muslims have collided against Hindus as Monotheistic religionists. Monotheism is a miscalcualed concept and I have repeatedly said it openly that none of them are monotheists and only decieving themselves stupidly. They are all idolators and polytheists in practice and in theory they are confused.
I have to admit that Hinduism in its “prsent practice”, not the theories which are very candid, there is a need for introspection and reformation of the ill conceived rites and rituals. These are not a construct of religion but a costum evolved over the period to keep the community united. These have become corrupted. They should be addressed and we hope that as the religious community have become conscious, slowly there is a rennaisance taking place. It is heartening that the lower caste people are being integrated in the mainstream Hindu community by letting them mix with them in temples, schools, markets and etc. The unfortunate problem lies with their political leaders too. They are only interested in their votes and in keeping them backward as a vote bank. This is a tragedy. Indian democracy is a monocracy of Nehru-andhi dynasty and turned into pluto-kleptocracy. There is no rule of law which has been hijacked by these corrupt white collar muscle men. This must be counteracted consciously at every level. Annaji has made a golden beginning. We hope that more and more people will rise against the corruption in Indian society.
Digant says
totally unacceptable thing is. but Bhaarat’s govt also unable to doing nothing so ‘kajor ko sab marenge”
Dr. O. P. Sudrania says
Demography of Pakistan consists of more than 95% Muslims in which >75% are Sunnis. Out of the rest 5%, Christians have managed to keep their population (under patronage of west) as it was at the time of partition i.e between 2-3% while Hindus are somewhere 1-2%. Rest are said to be in !5 or so. I think they exclude the Muslim minorities like Ahmadias, Ismailis, Aga Khanis, Baha’is etc from their census. follow links:
The religious breakdown of the Pakistani population is as follows:
Muslims: 181,723,000
Christians: 2,700,000 (approx. 1.8%)[43]
Hindus: 1,800,000 (approx. 1.3%[39])
Buddhists: 50,000
Sikhs: 30,000
Zoroastrian/Parsis: 25,000 (many are undocumented migrants from Iran)
Animists, Baha’i, Atheists, Jews: n/a
Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Pakistan
Mind you again, the census figures in countries like Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Burma etc are difficult to compute because of the inherent flaws in the systems in these countries.