
Hindus in New Jersey Denounce Book by Wendy Doniger

By Karishma Patel
Wendy Doniger - The author of Hindus An Alternative History
Wendy Doniger – The author of Hindus An Alternative History

New Jersey, US (CHAKRA) – Temples and a Hindu organization in New York and New Jersey organized a protest against the National Book Critics Circle, when they made the decision to honour Dr. Wendy Doniger for her book: Hindus: An Alternative History.

The protestors argued that the book displayed many errors about the Hindu religion as well as showed clear contempt of Hindus and Hinduism.

Narain Kataria, president of the Indian American Intellectuals Forum said that Doniger has been studying Hinduism and Sanskrit for decades and has become a “scholar of Hinduism”.

Offended Hindus have expressed their concern and disheartenment over the Doniger’s book which is filled with factual errors.  Revered Hindu goddesses have been shamelessly compared to Playboy models and Hindus have been mocked as unfaithful serial monogamists.  Kataria has spoken out against such deliberate and offensive errors which have failed to take the Hindus point of view into consideration.

Kataria further said that Doniger wanted her book to be used as a basic introduction textbook to learn about Hinduism and India.  “Not only would this book subject students to a warped, false and bigoted version of Hinduism, it will also expose Indian-American youth to ridicule and bigotry,” he said.

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