Mahavir Jayanti, also known as Mahavir Janma Kalyanak is the most auspicious and celebrated event in Jainism. Mahavir Jayanti is the birth date of Lord Mahavir and falls under April 14th in 2014 (based on the Gregorian calendar), but can shift days every year due to the difference in the Hindu calendar system and the […]
New Dialysis Centre Launched by Bhagwan Mahavir Jain Relief Foundation Trust
The Bhagwan Mahavir Jain Relief Foundation Trust is launching a new dialysis centre at the Kumudini Devi Out Patient Block in Ramdev Rao Hospital. The commissioner of GHMC and Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan will be inaugurating the hospital and centre. The new dialysis centre, located in Hyderabad, will cover an area of 5000 sq. ft. with […]
International students Visit Somaiya Vidyavihar for Launch of Book and Session on Jain philosophy
By Vinay Maurya and Vikram Kamble (CHAKRA) As Jainism encourages spiritual development through cultivation of one’s own personal wisdom and reliance on self control through vows, Somaiya has taken a step further as a part of their teaching and educating students through Jain philosophy. The book “Various facets of Saman Suttam” will be released on 24th May, 2012 at […]
Buddhists, Hindus, Jains & Sikhs Combine for 1st White House Conference for Social Justice
USA - Hindu American Seva Charities (HASC) again made history, co-hosting with The White House Office of Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Agencies and the White House Office of Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnerships an historic conference, Community Building in the 21st Century with Strengthened Dharmic Faith-Based Institutions for the Dharmic (defined as ,Buddhist, Hindu, Jain, Sikh) […]
Celebrations Amidst the Opening of a Jain Temple in Tamil Nadu
Over ten thousand followers of Jainism gathered at the consecration ceremony of the newly built Shri Matru Pitru Smruti Shri Sheetainath Tirthankar Jinalaya. The ceremony was held for the opening of the Kalas on the temple tower as well as for the prathista of the holy men of the religion known as the Tirthankaras. The […]
Tallest Jain Idol in World to be Built in Panchkula
1,219 Hindu and Jain Temples Face Demolition in the Mangalore Area
By Arun Shanghvi A Hindu Temple being demolished by the Indian Government Mangalore, India (CHAKRA) — The Supreme Court has stated that 1,201 Hindu and 17 Jain places of worship are currently under threat of being demolished because they are considered to be religious institutions that are located in public places and apparently fall under a […]
National Seminar Held to Revive Jainism
Jainism Summer School Gets Foreign Attraction
By Arun Shanghvi Varanasi, India (CHAKRA) —The old city of Varanasi is witnessing an attraction from foreign countries, specifically to two religions—Jainism and Buddhism. It seems the influence of the two religions is stretching outside of the borders of Varanasi. While Sarnath, the place where Buddha preached his first sermon, previously emerged into an international […]
Jain’s Get Closer to Having Their Own Place of Worship in Auckland
By Arun Shanghvi A Colorful Jain Temple in India Auckland, New Zealand (CHAKRA) – With the visit of Jain leader, Munishri Jinchandraji to Auckland, the Jain community is one step closer to building a place of worship of their own there. As the community, with the help of Jinchandraji are making progress towards their goal, […]