For two thousand years, the Himalayan valley of Kashmir in Northern India has been the home of Learning and Wisdom. From this small valley have issued masterpieces of history, poetry, romance, fable, and philosophy and many of the greatest Sanskrit scholars and poets were born and wrote in the valley. Kashmir flourished under some of India’s greatest rulers, such as Mauryan emperor Ashoka, who reigned between 273 and 233 BC and is recorded to have founded the old city of Srinagar. Under his sovereignty, many Buddhist scholars, missionaries, and intellectuals permanently settled in the valley. Or the great Hindu King Harsha (1089 to 1101 A. D) who was versed in many languages, a good poet, lover of music and art, making his court a centre of luxury, learning and splendour.
Unfortunately In the beginning of 14th century, a ferocious Mongol warlord, Dulucha, invaded the valley through its northern side Zojila Pass, with an army of 60,000 men. His savage attack ended for all purposes the Hindu rule in Kashmi and he is said to have destroyed many temples and killed thousands of Hindus. Muslim rule was further tightened in 1389, during the rule of Sultan-Sikandar. He banned all celebrations and would not even listen to music. He imposed Jizia (tax on Infidels) upon Hindus and stopped them to use tilak. Almost all the Muslim chroniclers of that time speak of the wholesale destruction of Hindu shrines including the famed ‘Martand’ Temple, and forcible conversion of Hindus to Islam. Thousands of Hindus fled to India to save their religion and holy books, and also to escape the wrath of the Sultan.
Then, after a period of relative tolerance and peace, came the rule of Afghans warlords till 1819, roughly a period of 67 years. The very first Afghan governor Abdullah Khan Aquasi, immediately after assuming powers, started a reign of terror. People were looted and killed indiscriminately, and even soldiers began to amass wealth beyond any imagination. Fortunately, in 1819, 30,000 soldiers of Sikh Maharaja Ranjit Singh attacked Kashmir, defeated the Pathans, and the state became a part of Ranjit Singh’s empire for nearly forty years, providing some relief to Hindus in Kashmir. But the British defeated the Sikhs and became undisputed masters of India. Not interested by Kashmir, they sold it in perpetuity for 75 lakhs of rupees (appr 150.000 $) to Maharaja Gulab Singh of the Doghra dynasty (what wonderful merchants the British, who sell something which does not even belong to them!).
By treaty, conquest, or inter-marriages, the Doghras created a state comprised of five major units, which are fundamentally very different from each other in terms of geography and ethnicity and have further complicated the problems of Kashmir: the territory around Gilgit (today in Pakistan), which belongs basically to Central Asia; Ladhak, which is an extension of Tibet and is peopled at 55% by Buddhists and 45% by Muslims; the area around Muzarrafad which is today under Pakistan control, comprised mostly of Punjabi Muslims; Jammu, which in essence belongs to Himachal Pradesh and is Hindu in majority; and the valley of Kashmir, of course, which was Indian Muslim at 95 % in 1947.
Finally, India gained its independence from in 1947 and was disastrously divided by the British, against the advice of saints and seers, such as Sri Aurobindo, along religious lines into India and Pakistan. Although many Muslims chose to stay in India, knowing that they would be granted the freedom of practicing their own religion, most Hindus had to flee Pakistan as they were being slaughtered mercilessly. Maharaja Hari Singh of Kashmir decided to attach his state to free and secular India. Furious, the Pakistan Government invaded Kashmir, and encouraged the Muslim tribal people to carry loot, plunder, death and destruction into the hearths and homes of innocent Kashmiris in general and among Hindus in particular.
Since 1947, Pakistan, aided by China, which also claims parts of Indian territory, has initiated three wars to regain Indian Kashmir, four, if you include the Kargil war fought in the icy reaches of upper Kashmir. Worse, the proxy war which they are waging on India today, by arming, training and financing not only Kashmiri separatists, but also Islamic militants coming from Afghanistan, or even faraway Sudan, has cost the lives of nearly 60.000 innocent people, both Hindus and Muslims. It should be added that Pakistan decided in the late eighties that it would be easier to regain Kashmir if all the Hindus were pushed out by a campaign of terror, both in the valley, where they are a tiny minority and in Jammu where they still have a thin majority. Thus 450,000 Kashmiri Pandits, constituting 99% of the total population of Hindus living in the Kashmir Valley, have been forcibly pushed out of the Valley by terrorists. Since 1989, they have been forced to live the life of exiles in their own country.
People should also be reminded that terrorism in Kashmir is not about separatism only, it is also an ideological struggle with specific fundamentalist and communal Agenda. Terrorist violence aims at the disengagement of the state of Jammu and Kashmir from India and its annexation to Pakistan. It is a continuation of the Islamic fundamentalist struggle.
Who Cares says
It is the corrupt government of Antonia Maino which is to blame for the situation of Kashmir. Leave Congress to it’s devices and India will be broken into pieces.
Dr. O. P. Sudrania says
“People should also be reminded that terrorism in Kashmir is not about separatism only, it is also an ideological struggle with specific fundamentalist and communal Agenda. Terrorist violence aims at the disengagement of the state of Jammu and Kashmir from India and its annexation to Pakistan. It is a continuation of the Islamic fundamentalist struggle.”
I congratulate Mr Francois Gautier for this enlightening article, and also the Chakra team for its publication. However it still falls short of its enlightenment of the underlying problem “an ideological struggle with specific fundamentalist and communal Agenda” that its writen book instigates.
I must admit that it needs a wider and better valiant introduction of this undercurrent cause of the malady. I feel very dejected, at times, when the world is busy pampering these global jihadis in the name of freedom of religious practice in the non Musilim nations, whereas the Muslims claim their all rights in the name of minority and freedom of human rights, when they move in non Islamic nations.
This has created a big cliff already in the western powerful nations, unlike the soft democracy in India. The problem needs to address the root, cause of which is in the open Book crystal clear. Unfortunately the whole world seems so scared of the genie of jihad and fatwa that none of them are seemingly prepared to even discuss it, save confronting it.
Forget the hundreds of thousands of Hindu Pandits, only one terrorist who is a proved traitor from Kashmir – Afzal Guru, because he is a Muslim, entire traitor team of UPA II is pampering the Muslims. Unfortunate and I have no doubt, untill the real awareness of the underlying description in the Quranic verses are discussed openly, a cure of an undiagnosed illness is impossible, not just difficult. This weakness is further exploited by these Islamist jihadi forces.
madhu says
Now there is a new conspiracy about Kashmir…. The conspiracy is that Jesus never died on the cross. He ran away to Kashmir and lived there for all his life until he died and there is a grave in Kashmir which is now identified as Jesus’ grave. This conspiracy cancels out everything the christians believed up to now and they will take over Kashmir as christian because the muslims will never allow the hindus to come back to Kashmir.
Dr. O. P. Sudrania says
Don’t worry for conspiracies because if I tell you that Jesus never existed nor did the Prophet Mohammad who was propped up by Vatican in middle ages for their ill understood reasons. Hence conspiracy is another big business in history, which no one can stop. I just saw an article by an Australian yesterday who has packed the old wine in new bottle about the origin of Kashmir conflict and he aims to encash his new book he has published following his publication of thesis for post graduate study.
Someone has to cook up something to make it attractive for the gullible buyers. A conspiracy makes it the best buy. Did you know, th trick for printing a nude picture in tabloids, the famous late R K Karanjia first started his tabloid in India viz. Blitz and he also suggested his own daughter to print a nude picture on her first issue of Cine Blitz. She did and hired a young lady – Protima Bindra to run in centre of then Bombay. There was a lot of hue and cry, her aim was fulfilled. She never looked back for sale of her new tabloid. The conspiracy succeeded.
If you want, cook up another one, like the Kashmiri separatists who cook up new stories every day. Senior Jeelani in Kashmir is planted by Pakistan only for this very purpose. Everybody knows it but can’t do anything because his community is a hot vote bank in India. Votes count in a democracy. So there you are. Wake with a new story if you can…