In the 18th and 19th centuries, the western world considered India to be a most mysterious land crawling with snakes, tigers and naked fakirs. Hinduism was regarded as inferior. Driven by racism and bigotry, many outside India stereotyped Hindus as worshipers of weird gods having hundreds of heads and hands, believers in absurd superstitions and […]
Hindu Youth Continue to Shine in Science: 6 of 9 Google Science Fair Winners are of Indian-Descent
The Google Science Fair is a global online science and technology competition open to individuals and teams from ages 13 to 18 and covers topics from bio-technology, eco-friendly applicants to advanced technology solutions, all for a better tomorrow. It is among the most competitive and renowned science fairs around the World and is seen as […]
10 Amazing Scientific Inventions by Hindu Saints of Ancient India
The Ancient Vedic civilization now known as India has been a prominent center of learning since ancient times. The land was one of the most advanced regions in various fields of science.The Indian subcontinent was ruled by ancient Hindu civilization and was a major contributor to the world, excelling in fields of astronomy, numerology, arithmetic, […]
Hinduism and Miracles Vindicated Scientifically
Bell’s Theorem and Quantum Physics at Cross Roads By O.P Sudrania AUM It is said that Vedas being too vast, many of them are lost; their knowledge was condensed into Srimad Bhagwad Geeta. Again it needed a great deal of the knowledge of difficult Sanskrit language for a common mass; hence this compendium is […]
Foundations of Vedic Science & Mysticism
Lord Shiva By Tina Sadhwani “As rivers lose name and form when they disappear into the sea, the sage leaves behind all traces when he disappears into the light. Perceiving the truth, he becomes truth; he passes beyond all suffering, beyond death and all the knots of his heart are loosened” – Upanishads When one looks […]