By Prashant Saxena Actions, Maya and the Ultimate Reality – The Bhagavad Gita People today have a deep misconception about the scriptures like Veda and Gita. They assume that ‘Maya’ means that world is not real. Some people even think that to free oneself, one has to give up all the worldy activities and chant […]
Am I a Hindu?
By Uday Pai Pretty good and thought provoking especially in this day and age…. Am I a Hindu? Four years ago, I was flying from JFK NY Airport to SFO to attend a meeting at Monterey, CA. An American girl was sitting on the right side, near window seat. It, indeed, was a long journey […]
Brain Changes Linked to Spirituality
By studying patients before and after surgery to remove a brain tumour, a team of Italian researchers has identified anatomical changes in the brain that may be linked to shifts in spiritual and religious attitudes. The team has uncovered another clue that directly links brain activity and spirituality. “Neuroimaging studies have linked activity within a large […]