By Vishnu Prakash (CHAKRA) This is extracted from second chapter [Vaitathya prakaraNa] of Shri GauDapAda’s kArikA converted into a question answer format. Point of discussion: Analysis of Waking and Dreaming states. Q: How do you say that waking state is similar to dream state? A: You can’t accept the similarity because you have never compared them. As […]
Musings on AtmA
By Smita Agrawala (CHAKRA) There are two things in the world, the Atma or the Self which is real, and the body which is unreal (though as we will eventually see, the AtmA alone is the substratum upon which the entire world is based, and there is no duality on the absolute level). Both of these […]
Am I a Hindu?
By Uday Pai Pretty good and thought provoking especially in this day and age…. Am I a Hindu? Four years ago, I was flying from JFK NY Airport to SFO to attend a meeting at Monterey, CA. An American girl was sitting on the right side, near window seat. It, indeed, was a long journey […]
Has Yoga been Hijacked?
By Aseem Shukla Swami Ramdev has helped spread traditional Hindu Yoga Washington, US – Nearly 20 million people in the United States gather together routinely, fold their hands and utter the Hindu greeting of Namaste — the Divine in me bows to the same Divine in you. Then they close their eyes and focus their […]
Are “Hindu’s” Too Progressive Thinking?
By Saraswati Rastogi Toronto, Canada (CHAKRA) – We as Canadians, take pride in the fact that we live in a democracy which supports individual rights. That is one of the main reasons immigrants from all over the world come to North America—for the American dream, because the opportunity is endless. People generally live by the […]