According to a new study released by American-based UNC at Chapel Hill (University of North Carolina), Ancient Indian yoga holds potential promise for helping improve anxiety, depression, PTSD and/or the psychological consequences of trauma”. Release adds that the study “suggested that clinicians and service providers consider recommending yoga as an intervention” in addition to other […]
Study: Hindu-Originated Yoga & Kirtan Increases Memory Better Than Brainy Mind Games
A recent study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease found that yoga, the ancient spiritual practice founded in India and is an integral part of Hinduism, is significantly better at increasing and maintaining your memory health. Nowadays, there is a common trend to download ‘Brainy Mind Game’ apps for your phone or iPad to […]
How Spiritual Experience has Transcended Religious Belief in Yoga
Many North Americans and westerners are turning to practices that promote spiritual experience rather than religious beliefs. One such widely practiced phenomenon that contributes to this transition from religious belief to spiritual experience is the practice of Yoga. Amidst this transition there are also many who have taken on Yoga without any religious beliefs preceding […]
US National Institutes of Health (NIH) Video Reveals Science Behind Ancient Yoga
United States National Institutes of Health (NIH), one of the world’s foremost medical research centers, has released a video which reveals “science behind yoga”. An NIH release announcing this has said that “there is a growing body of evidence that yoga may be beneficial for low-back pain”. “Due to a growing body of evidence-based research, […]