A Christian European Women’s Journey to Hinduism: How it Began

Hinduism Symbol OM

“Can you imagine – in Europe there are people who believe there is no Bhagawan (God)!” Baba Ramdev, a highly popular yogi, said this to a sea of thousands of Indian schoolchildren with an expression of genuine wonderment on his face. I saw it on TV and it made me smile. He is right. In […]

Two Hindu Businessmen Abducted in Pakistan


Islamabad, Pakistan (CHAKRA) – In the province of Balochistan in Southwest Pakistan, two unidentified men abducted two Hindu businessmen, officials in Balochistan said. Darshan Lal and Kanhaiya Lal were taken away in Bhaktiarabad area in the Kachi district. The businessmen were taken away to an unknown location after the armed men took them out of […]

Is Converting out of Hinduism One-Way?

Pressure to Convert by Others is usually instigated by Religious Intolerance

By P.Gandhi Many relationships nowadays are interreligious and in our society that is okay as long as it was the free choice of both individuals.  However, the thing that boggles my mind is that, there has not been a single intercultural wedding I have seen between a Muslim and a Hindu in which the Muslim […]