Raksha Bandhan, also widely known as Rakhi and Rakhi Purnima, is a Hindu festival that celebrates the love and duty between brothers and sisters. The festival is also popularly used to celebrate any brother-sister like loving protective relationship between men and women who are blood-relatives or very close friends. Raksha Bandhan is one of India’s […]
Shubh Raksha Bandhan – Happy Rakhi – August 2013
On August 20th it is a very auspicious day for people residing in India and Hindus all over the world. The Indian Hindu celebration is called Raksha Bandhan, also known as Rakhi and referred to brother-sister day in the west. Although Raksha Bandhan (Rakhi) is celebrated by Hindus and Indians all around the world it […]
Happy Raksha Bandhan and Amitabha Buddha Day – August 2, 2012
This year in 2012, August 2nd is a very special day for Indians and Hindus as it is Raksha Bandhan, also known as Rakhi. August 2nd is also a special day for Tibetan Buddhists as it is Amitabha Buddha day. Raksha Bandhan (Rakhi) is celebrated by Hindus and Indians all over the world but is most […]
How Relevant is Raksha Bandhan (Rakhi) in Modern Society?
By Sucheta Rustgi (CHAKRA) Raksha bandhan has been celebrated over generations with sisters tying rakhis-a symbolic string-around the wrist of their brothers. The significance of the string is to maintain a strong relationship or ‘bandhan’ between the siblings where a sister ties a string on her brother’s wrist to give him her blessings and love […]
August 24th – Happy Hungry Ghost Festival and Raksha Bandhan!
(CHAKRA) August 24th, 2010 is a special day & week for both Buddhists (Hungry Ghost Festival) and Hindus (Raksha Bandhan). The Hungry Ghost festival is celebrated in a few countries such as various parts of China. The Hungry Ghost Realm is one of the Six Realms of Samsara, into which beings are reborn. Hungry Ghost celebrations can be […]