In the 18th and 19th centuries, the western world considered India to be a most mysterious land crawling with snakes, tigers and naked fakirs. Hinduism was regarded as inferior. Driven by racism and bigotry, many outside India stereotyped Hindus as worshipers of weird gods having hundreds of heads and hands, believers in absurd superstitions and […]
Waking vs Dreaming – Dissertation on the Illusoriness of the World
By Vishnu Prakash (CHAKRA) This is extracted from second chapter [Vaitathya prakaraNa] of Shri GauDapAda’s kArikA converted into a question answer format. Point of discussion: Analysis of Waking and Dreaming states. Q: How do you say that waking state is similar to dream state? A: You can’t accept the similarity because you have never compared them. As […]
Actions, Maya and the Ultimate Reality
By Prashant Saxena Actions, Maya and the Ultimate Reality – The Bhagavad Gita People today have a deep misconception about the scriptures like Veda and Gita. They assume that ‘Maya’ means that world is not real. Some people even think that to free oneself, one has to give up all the worldy activities and chant […]