On Saturday September 29th, millions of Hindus worldwide celebrated one of their most auspicious festivals known as Dussehra. Also, known as Vijayadashami, Dussehra symbolizes Good energy and forces over Evil powers and is based on ancient Indian history where King Ravana of historic Lanka was defeated by Lord Shri Rama. Dussehra is celebrated in all […]
Happy Diwali (Deepavali) – The Festival of Lights – October 2011
(CHAKRA) Diwali (Deepavali) is one of the biggest festival in Hinduism, with major celebrations in India, Canada, Trinidad, Guyana, UK, Fiji, United States and other countries around the world. The festival is also celebrated by Sikhs and Jains. The festival is celebrated for 5 continuous days, where the 3rd days is celebrated as the main […]