By Sucheta Rustgi
New Delhi, India (CHAKRA) – Indian’s take pleasure in the fact that India is renowned as the world’s largest democracy. However under the disguise of being massively populated yet governed democratically through a transparent electoral process, lies the truth: India’s democracy runs at the cost of Hindu rights. This is the case due to the enactment of ongoing government policies related to actions of constant appeasement to minorities—the Muslims and Christians of India. In other words it’s a form of reverse discrimination but to a degree that has become utterly unacceptable.
Primarily, this form of appeasement is seen through the biases in media that have become so prevalent that even an ordinary news reader, lacking any professional, analytical skills can point them out. Take NDTV for example. There will not be a day that goes by on this website, where an anti-Hindu article is not posted on the front page headlines. Sadly it’s a good day for Hindus, if only one hateful headline is posted since it has become the norm to bash Hindus daily through a multitude of articles.
Furthermore, when there is major headline news such as the Mumbai attacks of November 2008, news reporters on sites such as NDTV write with the utmost care to not point out whether a Muslim might have been involved in the attacks even though the evidence of the crime proves guilty. Contrary to this, when a Hindu person is mentioned even as a possible suspect, news reporters in India have no shame or reluctance in typing negative headlines that defame Hindu’s across the country and world—when nothing has been proven. The question is why is this being accepted by a majority in India? If India comprises the world’s largest Hindu population then why are people not speaking out about such an injustice?
The pattern and consistency of this bias is clearly evident, yet people choose not to question such forms of abuse. Just because a majority exists in a country, does not mean that they deserve constant criticism for merely being a majority because it is obvious that in India’s case, the voice is not of the Hindu’s. In the desperation to appease and prove oneself to be a democratic country to the outside world arena, India’s government and media have forgotten to represent the Hindu majority of the country. One may say, that how can such a misrepresentation be possible in a country that is presumably very transparent in its governing practices? It is important to note that a large portion of the Indian population is made up of people living in poverty. When a large number of people are poverty stricken, it is easy to manipulate this population to follow any hidden agenda that a person running for office might have. So although at the surface the process seems clean and mildly bureaucratic, it is at the grassroots level that the corruption can be seen. How does this all relate back to the biases of Indian media?
(NDTV and CNN-IBN are claimed by many readers as 2 of the most known Anti-Hindu Media channels in India)
When vulnerable minds are manipulated at desperate times, it can be easy to change their way of thinking and as this process continues for years at a time, perspectives of the general public change in line with what they are being fed, whether it is directly by the government, or by a party minister, or even by various media types. This manipulation can be so powerful, that people fail to see things that are so vehemently against their own people. In turn, they see themselves as progressive thinkers and go along with whatever is being said without stopping to question the abuse of their rights. However, this infringement of rights has come to be so evident and intense that it cannot be ignored any longer. The media cannot get away with portraying Hindu’s as the so called “bad guys” or “villains” while others are always portrayed as the victims plainly because of their numbers. The reality is that the Hindu population is decreasing in India while the Muslim and Christian populations are growing in their respective majority-based countries. Hindu’s need to start paying attention to the inappropriate and unnecessary bias displayed in media and fight for what is not fair. If we do not help our own kind then no one else will until it is too late and there is no turning back to recuperate what has been lost.
Sree Guru says
The comments are on expected lines with the exception that many truth about our media has come out.I have often felt and wondered why most of the Kerala media is biased against Hindus.But it now seems that is the trend every where in India. The sooner we realize this the better for us. All comedy shows in Kerala ridicule swamys / Brahmins. It may be funny but these guys very rarely ridicule a mullah or a father that too we can see that they are so careful. “You can abuse Hinduism to any heights” and you must accept if you ever show any objection then we will highlight it as Intolerance that is for sure.
The Ordinary Muslims never care to learn about Hinduism. Through their religious studies they understand this native religion is a worst pagan religion – cow worshipers – idol worshipers – animistic believers etc. – Very few educated Muslims have gone beyond a line to understand.
Now it may be surprising news to many that Tax payers money is spend in crores to denigrate Hinduism in Universities / Arabic Colleges across the country. What students learn in the name of Islamic Jurisprudence and many other related subjects is outright rejection and denouncing of any other faith. For this treacherous thing we spend millions of rupees in the name of secularism. The pagans / Kafirs explained in the subjects is often equated with the Native religion that is Hinduism!
These things are taken for granted – You suffer at your own cost.
Right to Education Bill is a big bill Congress govt. has brought – pride of congress ! But did you know that it has excluded Minority Institutions. Means if there is good Convent High school near your house you can not demand and get admission as per RTE. But where as a Minority person has every right to ask and get admission as per RTE to a Hindu Management run school near his home.
Hindus are attacked left and right by Govt. / by Media / by political parties/ by ‘right looking’ Artists / by self proclaimed human right watchdogs / by foreign countries / by leftists / by extremists/ by militants / by terrorists etc.. etc.. and yet if you raise your little finger .. mind you ..we will condemn you as hard core terrorists to pleas all the above !!
Dr. O. P. Sudrania says
While I commend both the comment by Sree Guru and the article by Priya Shah, both are a depiction of not even the tip of the iceberg. I am glad to see this awareness in the small section of educated Hindu community. I was myself always wary of media presentations on Hindu facies, I was not able to understand the reasons till I read a couple of articles, one of which was by Gautam Sen. He has elaborated briefly that about 90% of major Indian medias that are effective especially the English media; are owned by Vatican, Saudi Arabia, and US/Allies. Rupert Murdoch, the ubiquitous fellow now another Niira Radia of West, was the euphemistic figure in the media Baronry.
Today media are no longer the fourth pillar of democracy but they are the fourth worst murders of democracy alongwith the three others…
Let me wind up my comment with this idiotic question, “Why is Sonia Inc not ever raised in media despite the obvious well known slanderous scandals, which can be even called treasonous”? Have your pick…???
Vidya Sagar Amirapu says
The media (MSM) is foreign owned , it is wrong to call them Indian Media.It is actually foreign media-so why would they publish anything that is favourable to Hinduism?
The Breaking India forces want to expand by targetting the Hindus.Already in 10 states the Hindu are no longer the majority. So the media MSM is one the institutions in the Breaking India forces..
But Sanathan Dharma is will prevail over these machiavalian attempts.The British could not stop Swami Vivekananda…how will these guys succeed?
hindu from jaipur says
Thanks to islam and christianity (especially baptists, roman catholic, russian orthodox) , hinduism is dying. A religion which is the most peaceful and friendly towards other religion will be lost in history. For centuries we have been friendly towards other religions, never creticised them or kill non-hindus and what did we get in return? MISERY…..TAUNT…..HATRED……FORCED CONVERSIONS…….. AND DEATH!!! Those fuckers have been abusing our hospitality for centuries. Hinduism was present from central Russia and asia minor to eastern islands of indonesia and parts of china and today all we have are 18 states of india(with a large muslim population), nepal and the. island of bali. history of jihad in india. Search how hindus are being proscecuted around the world in wikipedia. Hinduism is dying and the only thing we can do is to start demanding hindu rights and to boycott such media. *please note: when I say hindus, I include jainism and sikhism as they are reformed version of hinduism*