On August 13, 2014, the Indian National Congress led by Mallikarjun Kharge tried to push their agenda regarding their proposed communal violence bill (CBV) in the Lok Sabha (see our article on the Communal-Violence Bill for context). One of Kharge’s main points was that communal violence has skyrocketed since PM Modi took his oath and […]
India’s Political Amnesia and The Nehru – Gandhi Clan’s Incompetence
As a follow up to one of my previous articles, Prevention of Communal and Targeted Violence Bill, 2011, I’ve decided to focus my grievances with the unscrupulous subversion of India’s population as perpetrated by the Nehru-Gandhi clan and its minions. I am quite upset by watching India celebrate the failures of the Nehru-Gandhi clan and its continued erosion of the country’s social, religious, political and economic fabric. You know, we usually hear people say things like: “you don’t give this woman or this man enough credit for all the good things he/she has done”. My task in this modest essay is to shed light on what we don’t hear people say enough: “you don’t give this woman or this man enough credit for all the bad things he/she has done”. So be forewarned, I’ll be quite negative in the following paragraphs. If you are a diehard fan of the Nehru-Gandhi family (the clan), then be prepared to get the wakeup call of your life. I will briefly highlight the failures of Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi, Sonia Gandhi, and that imbecilic brat unofficially known as Rahul Gandhi. Following the failures of the Nehru-Gandhi clan will be a brief list of present day malaises of India which can be attributed to the clan. I shall conclude with a juxtaposition of Mahatma Gandhi’s insights with the failures to live by those insights by the Congress Party figures and their corporate allies as one final jolt of reality.
Prevention of Communal and Targeted Violence Bill in India
By Abhaya Shanker Dube Note: The opinions expressed in this paper are those of the writer only. The writer is a Hindu who wishes no ill will upon any community. The writer would also like to express his sincere sympathy towards the victims of communal/targeted violence (in all of its forms) and would also like […]