On Saturday September 29th, millions of Hindus worldwide celebrated one of their most auspicious festivals known as Dussehra. Also, known as Vijayadashami, Dussehra symbolizes Good energy and forces over Evil powers and is based on ancient Indian history where King Ravana of historic Lanka was defeated by Lord Shri Rama. Dussehra is celebrated in all […]
March 24th – The celebration of Ram Navami (Nomi), also known as Lord Rama's Birthday
India (CHAKRA) – Ram Navami (also pronounced Nomi) is the birthday of Lord Rama. This year Ram Navami will be celebrated on March 24. It is the 9th day of the Hindu calender and coincides with the last day of Navaratras. The day begins with the prayers dedictated to Sun. It is celebrated with the procession of […]