By Prashant Saxena The Confined Soul In the midst of the silent ocean smiles the moon with its charming devotion The sailor asks the sun of the night O’lord guide me to my destination, through this confusion and the momentary blight I hear no more, the voice of the one which connects the drops of […]
New Age practices, Yoga and Baba Ramdev
By Prashant Saxena Yoga Guru – Baba Ramdev The word yoga is derived from the root yuj, which means to unite or to join together. A man who seeks after this union is called a yogin or yogi. There are four manin division of yoga: Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga and Raja Yoga. Panini, […]
Brahma – The Shape of the Ultimate Reality
By Prashant Saxena Bhagavad Gita Hexagonal, triangle, square, fat, large, small etc are all having a definite shape, a definite form. A human body has a definite shape, so does the sun when viewed from the earth. Thus, if one analyzes the fundamental definition of shape and form, then one would realize that these are […]