On Saturday September 29th, millions of Hindus worldwide celebrated one of their most auspicious festivals known as Dussehra. Also, known as Vijayadashami, Dussehra symbolizes Good energy and forces over Evil powers and is based on ancient Indian history where King Ravana of historic Lanka was defeated by Lord Shri Rama. Dussehra is celebrated in all […]
The National Gallery of Australia is Displaying Scenes of Ramayana in Special Paintings
National Gallery of Australia (NGA) in Canberra is showcasing “The story of Rama” through 101 Pahari miniature paintings completed between 17th-19th centuries, till August 23. Beginning with a 19th century Kangra style painting of Narada requesting Valmiki to write the Ramayana story; this exhibition includes 18th century Chamba style painting of Sita abduction by Ravana, 19th century Kangra style painting […]
Shubh Vijaydashami (Happy Dussehra) – Festival of Good vs Evil – October 2014
Vijaydashami, also called Dussehrra is a large holiday celebrated by Hindus internationally and represents the notion of ‘GOOD/TRUTH vs. EVIL’. Vijaydashmi’s origin and symbolism is based on the historic defeat of King Ravana of Lanka by Lord Shri Ram. Dusshera is celebrated all over India, but is more followed in North India as Lord Shri […]
Shubh Ram Navami – Lord Rama’s Birthday & Wedding Festival – April 2014
(CHAKRA) Ram Navami (also known as RamNomi) is an auspicious Hindu festival to celebrate Lord Shri Rama’s birth and his marriage to Sita. Ram Navami is celebrated on April 8th this year (2014) and falls on the last day of Navratri and is the ninth day of the Hindu calendar. RamNavami is followed by Hindus […]
Happy Dussehra (Shubh VijayaDashami) – October 2013
Dussehra, also known as VijayaDashami, is a big festival in Hinduism and followed by Hindus internationally. It is also known as the festival of good vs evil since it symbolizes the defeat of King Ravana by Lord Ram. Dusshera is celebrated more in Northern India as Lord Rama has a stronger following in that region. Dusshera […]
Happy (Shubh) Ram Navami & Swaminarayan Jayanti – April 20 2013
Ram Navami (also spelt as Ramnavmi) is the birthday of Lord Ram, one of the most followed deity’s in Hinduism and central figure in the epic Ramayana. In 2013 Ram Navami will be celebrated on April 20th. It is the 9th day of the Hindu calender and coincides with the last day of Navaratri. The […]
Picture of the Week: Lord Parshuram
Lord Parshuram, the sixth Incarnation of Vishnu, belongs to the Tretayug, and is the son of Jamadagni and Renuka. Parshu means axe, hence His name literally means ‘Lord Ram with the Axe’. Even though He was born as a Brahmin, He had Kshatriya (warrior) traits in terms of aggression, warfare and valour. Hence He is […]
Happy Dussehra (VijayaDasami) – October 2012
Dussehra, also known as Vijaya Dashami, is a major celebration in Hinduism and followed by Hindus all around the globe. It is also commonly referred to as the festival of good vs evil since it symbolizes the defeat of Ravana by Lord Ram. Dussehra is celebrated on the tenth day of the Hindu autumn lunar month […]
Top Powerful Spiritual & Physical Weapons from Ancient Hindu Texts
(CHAKRA) There are many examples of symbolism and descriptions of weapons in Hinduism scriptures. Here is a list of the weapons/astras that are mentioned in various hindu texts and epics such as the Ramayana and Mahabharata. A few of these weapons in modern day are just used for religious symbols, but some have evolved and […]
Picture of the Week: Shri Ram and Sita
Lord Ram is one of the most popular figures and deities in Hinduism (Sanatan Dharma). Many of the details of Shri Ram’s life come from the Hindu epic Ramayana.