In the Dharmic tradition, Bhagwan Shiva is known as Adi Yogi – as in the first Yogi. He is credited with developing the system of Hatha Yoga and teaching it to his consort Devi Parvati. The Shiva Samhita is the dialogue between Bhagwan Shiva and Devi Parvati in which he teaches her the secrets of […]
‘Hinduism is a Way of Life’ – Do We Really Know What That Means?
The word Hindu is what defines someone who is following Sanatana Dharma. Not until recently was the term Hinduism coined so that it could be compared and situated alongside Abrahamic religions. In other words it was necessary that the word Hinduism be formed so that it would be fit to call it a religion which […]
Hinduism: The Natural Way of Life
(CHAKRA) How can one define “Hinduism” one may ask. Is it a religion? A philosophy? A collection of myths? A way of life? Lets look at the term Hinduism first: the fact is that the name “Hindu” was given to the inhabitants of the Indus Valley by foreign invaders. From there the term Hinduism was given to the amalgam of the […]