Media queen and rights activist Oprah Winfrey once said that if Black-Americans don’t speak up for Black-Americans, then who will? Lots of truth to the statement, but unfortunately the 2.2 Million Hindu-Americans do not have more than a small handful of national celebrities to speak up for their rights or issues. A few days ago, I came across […]
Kashmiri Forum Demands Secured Townships For Refugee Kashmiri Hindus
The Government of India has proposed a plan to rehabilitate displaced Kashmiri Pandits (a Hindu community native to Kashmir) by restoring their residential status in the Valley. The plan includes setting up of townships on lands provided by the state government. The state government has assured support to the plan and promised acquisition and provision […]
Pakistani Hindu Refugees Feel Fear 24 hours a Day
“There is fear 24 hours a day…Hindus see themselves as helpless,” recounted Chetan Ram, while describing life in Pakistan to the Hindu American Foundation’s Director & Senior Human Rights Fellow, Samir Kalra, Esq., at the Chopasni refugee camp in Jodhpur, India. Ram was part of a contingent of 204 Hindu refugees that fled Pakistan’s southern Sindh […]