(CHAKRA Blogs) Harih Om. It is not uncommon to be faced with the ageless, boring question: “If Bhagavan is formless why go to a temple and worship idols”. Ever so often, these are the queries posed by zealous Islamists on the internet, who make it their business to style themselves after a Wahabi mindset. 1) Because a […]
The Concept of Idolatry (Murthy Puja) in Hinduism
By Ravi Soni In Hinduism , there are two school of thoughts ,”Adwaita” and “Daita”. Adwaita considers God as one and universal power. In “Daita” ,Vedas and other scriptures consider God in everything. Dwaita also considers that God is in Human being and he has shape same as Human Being. Human likes to see everyone like […]
35 Invaluable Hindu and Buddhist Statues Destroyed in Maldives by Extremist Islamic Group
Maldives –Similar to the Afghan Islamic Taliban’s destruction of the priceless Buddhist and other historic artifacts in 2001, an Islamic Extremist group has vandalized and destroyed precious Buddhist and Hindu statues in the Maldives which can never be made the same again to preserve the history. The scene took place at the Maldives’ National Museum […]
Idol Worshipping, Western Terminologies and the Modern view
By Prashant Saxena Idol (also called Murthy) of Radha and Krishna situated in a Hindu Temple India is the only country in the world where other faiths evolved on the top of the existing one i.e Hinduism. Buddhism, Jainism etc evolved and western faiths like Islam and Christianity were accepted by the people of India. […]