By Yogi Baba Prem Th.D Yogacharya, Veda Visharada (@YogiBabaPrem) Aside from the Bhagavad Gita and a sampling of the vast compendium of Hindu dharmic teachings, relatively few important texts have a comprehensive and detailed modern translation. This is especially true for the Vedas. For insight and understanding in English of ancient texts, such as the […]
Sikhs Have Mixed Feelings About South Carolina’s Nikki Haley
South Carolina, USA (CHAKRA) – Sikhs in South Carolina are unsure of what to make of their first possible minority and woman governor, Nikki Haley who is a popular supporter of the tea party, movement and born to Sikh parents. South Carolina known for its Republican support, voted for a minority candidate making evident that […]
Is Converting out of Hinduism One-Way?
By P.Gandhi Many relationships nowadays are interreligious and in our society that is okay as long as it was the free choice of both individuals. However, the thing that boggles my mind is that, there has not been a single intercultural wedding I have seen between a Muslim and a Hindu in which the Muslim […]
Police Protect Girls Pressured and Forced to Convert to Islam
By Antony Thomas There have been incidents where Hindu and Sikh women have been targets of sexual assault due to their Religion London, UK (CHAKRA) – Susceptible teenage girls who are forced to convert to Islam by Muslim men are being protected by police. The men with extreme Islamic views are being targeted by police says […]