By Yogi Baba Prem (@YogiBabaPrem) The growing phenomena of Christian yoga is not only cultural appropriation, it reveals more serious considerations for Hinduism and Sanatana Dharma. While it is certainly true that Christians can practice yoga, I am not aware of any Christian theology regarding yoga. Yoga, as a word or practice, has no etymology […]
Translating Ancient Hindu Texts (Agenda for conversion?)
By Yogi Baba Prem Th.D Yogacharya, Veda Visharada (@YogiBabaPrem) Aside from the Bhagavad Gita and a sampling of the vast compendium of Hindu dharmic teachings, relatively few important texts have a comprehensive and detailed modern translation. This is especially true for the Vedas. For insight and understanding in English of ancient texts, such as the […]
Assault on India and Its Ancient Culture: The Partitioning of Hinduism
By Yogi Baba Prem Th. D, Yogacharya, Veda Visharada. (@YogiBabaPrem) The once expansive Bharata (India) is shrinking. What was once a great cultural land mass extending possibly from near ancient Persia eastward to Southeast Asia and possibly as far south as various South Pacific islands is literally becoming smaller as a geographic land with the […]
Incense, the Important Indian Attribute that has Influenced the World
By Yogi Baba Prem Yogacharya, Veda Visharada (CHAKRA) Of all the eastern teachings, deities, terms such as ‘OM’ and philosophies that have emanated from India few people recognize the important role that incense has played in spirituality and health in India and the west. Of all the senses, the most powerful and primal is the […]