By Ranbir Singh
On the death of Sathya Sai Baba, Hindu holy man and spiritual guide for millions for worldwide, the coverage was almost wholly negative. Little was mentioned of his philanthropic activities such as providing fresh clean drinking water for thousands of poverty stricken villages in India , nor the state of the art modern hi-tech hospitals where patients are treated for free. The latter is by nomeans an insignificant fact in a country like India where millions suffer from adequate health care. It would be a significant fact in America where millions of decent, ordinary hard working people lack any health cover and where the doctors are more interested in your wallet than your well-being. News media such as the BBC muckraked as much defamatory abuse that yellow journalism could muster in their coverage of Sathya Sai Baba’s death focusing on whether his miracles were real and resurrecting allegations of sexual misconduct which have not only failed to be proven but in fact been withdrawn in the star witness case.
Now contrast this with the death of Sister Agnes, the Albanian nun who for years paraded around the world under the regal title of Mother Teresa. Since the BBC’s Malcolm Muggeridge turned the spotlight on this Catholic nun she was held to be sacrosanct, a living embodiment of Jesus and god on earth. The very Church she is a part of has sanctified her as a saint because she could perform miracles none of which have been widely scrutinised. Perhaps there is sometruth in this. Agnes performed a major miracle by hoodwinking the world into believing that she was a simple old lady who cared for the poor.
“What if Sathya Sai Baba was white and born in Albania?”
In this way inconvenient questions were swept under her the carpet. In fact, if you will excuse the pun, she had a quite a few dirty habits in her closet. The myth of Mother Teresa was born when Malcolm Muggeridge filmed her work in the Kolkotta slums in 1969 for the BBC documentary, later made into a book, Something Beautiful for God. She has never claimed that her work is for conversion and the poor are merely tools to be used in the war to effect this aim for the Catholic Church, and eschewed altruism and humanism as dangers to be avoided.
In 1994,editor of the medical journal Lancet, Dr. Robin Fox, found that even themost basic medication and medical screening processes were missing, when theywould have helped the patients of her home. In fact the conditions were incredibly primitive when one considers the amount of money that has been lavished on the Albanian born missionary. Volunteer worker Mary Loudon accurately compared Teresa’s Home for the Dying to concentration camps like Belsen. Patients were not given pain killers, antibiotics, have enough drips, and the needles were being washed in cold water rather than being sterilised in the relatively simple process of using boiling water. Not only did Teresa receive lavish contributions, but she herself regularly checked into the most expensive hospitals in the West. This was the same hypocrite who told terminally ill patients that they should be grateful for their suffering, for it was Christ’sway of kissing them.
Even in western countries her other worldly approach with its contempt for society’s most vulnerable was in evidence. In the San Francisco branch, homeless inmates were again denied proper medication and instead offered prayer and sacrifice. TB is not uncommon in such places due to the unhygienic conditions. Mother Teresa encouraged the poor to bare their suffering as it was Christ’s way of kissing them. Her hospitals and clinics consisted of penalstyle unhygienic holding pens which made battery farming of hens look like the Ritz. Meanwhile Mother Teresa was treated in a private hospital owned by the very people whose religion she spent her entire life denigrating and setting out to annihilate using the old usual tactic of social service in order to ensnare the desperate and needy into her bony fingered vice trap. For Agnes abortion andeven contraception was a crime worse than that of poverty. For this she condemned millions into poverty as well as a lifetime of unwanted pregnancies with advice on matters which being a nun she would probably not have experience of.
Her concern for human suffering was a well known yet little publicised sham for siphoning millions into private bank accounts of the Sisters of Charity then sent to the Vatican. If she was so concerned for the poor why would this vile specimen of humanity speedily hasten to Bhopal in 1984 after the poisoning ofthousands by gas from the Union Carbide plant and encourage them to “forgive”.What about the western company which caused the poisoning? Why the silence? But then this disgusting loathsome evil putrid mass of walking flesh always did prefer the company of the rich and powerful. There seemed to be nothing in the conscience of this ugly Behemoth which would deter her from making a complete joke of her sheep like adoring millions. With the Union Carbide industrial calamity in Bhopal in1984, Mother Teresa arrived at the airport with the words of counsel “Forgive,forgive”. But what was there to forgive? And why should only the poor be askedto do this? For too long has Mother Teresa been immune from rational critique.
The Missionaries of Charity have never been accountable to anyone for the vast donations they have received. Robert Maxwell allowed Teresa to use his newspaper group to raise money. In the early 1980s, Charles Keating, a conservative and fundamentalist American Catholic, fleeced investors in this Savings and Loan scandal. In 1992 he was eventually brought to trial. Before this he has made generous donations of investors money toMother Teresa and given her the use of his private jet. For this reason the Catholic fundamentalist nun pleased with Judge Lance Ito to show clemency tothe Catholic fraudster. A reply sent by Paul Turley, Deputy District Attorneyfor Los Angeles , that she shouldinstead follow Jesus’ teachings and return the money, elicited no response formthe pompous missionary leader. The Teresa operation in Kolkotta is the remnant of what was once a vast empire of conquest and crusading, directly linked to European imperialism. In his 1995 book The Missionary Position, author Christopher Hitchens exposed the sham:
“As ever, the true address of the missionary is to the self-satisfaction of the sponsor and the donor, and not to the needs of the down trodden. Helpless infants, abandoned derelicts, lepers and the terminally ill are the raw material for demonstrations of compassion. They are in no position to complain,and their passivity and abjection is considered a sterling trait. It is time to recognize that the world’s leading exponent of this false consolation is herself a demagogue, and obscuranist and a servant of earthly powers.”
While claiming to be above politics, Mother Teresa backed the pro-Franco Catholic and fascist forces in Spain in their opposition to divorce, abortion and birth control legislation by the democratic government.
Teresa visited London in 1988. Ignoring the plight of the homeless, she had a private meeting with Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher to discuss legislation to limit the availability of abortion. Mother Teresa praised Mengistu in order to allow her missionaries to work in Ethiopia. Mother Teresa visited Nicaraguato admonish the Sandanista regime. But she said nothing against Miguel Obando Bravo, the Cardinal Archbishop of Managuaas well as being official patron and confessor to the Contra rebels, who madeit deliberate policy to attack clinics, schools, and farms. Not a word against Guatamala’s regime for its paramilitary death squads and extirpation of the indigenous people, bust instead praise for how peaceful the country was. Agnes/Teresa praised Jean-Claude ‘Baby-Doc’ Duvalier as a president loved by his people.
In January 1981, Mother Teresa visited Haiti where she praised the Duvalier dictatorship for being so close and familiar with their impoverished and oppressed subjects. Teresa was awarded the national Légion d’honneur and appeared in the regime mouthpiece L’Assautwith the dictator’s wife Michèle Duvalier. It seemed nothing could sink any lower than a public figure projecting one of the worst dictatorships known to humanity than the Duvalier dynasty of Haiti . She did not even mind their useof Voudon ‘bogeymen’ to instil fear in the minds of millions of Haitians even if this did go against the Catholic Church in that country. Money of course was more holy than even a belief in Jesus, which to paraphrase Pope Leo X, has been a myth which has served the Papacy very well indeed. Yet she did go lower,laying a wreath at the shrine of communist despot Enver Hoxha of Albania , under whose rule she would not have even been allowed to pray to the god (and myth) which served her so well let alone don her dirty habit and become a swindler in ecclesiastical garb.
In 1990, Teresa was allowed to visit Tirana and place a wreath at the monument for Mother Albania and a bouquet of flowers on the grave of Enver Hoxha , Albania’s brutal communist leader who had suppressed all religion. The Mother Albania monument was a symbol of Greater Albania, encompassing not just Albania, but also Kosovo, and parts of Serbia, Montenegro ,and Greece . Indeed in Macedonia and Kosovo, Albanian secessionists brandish pictures of Mother Teresa.
“The picture, and its context, announce Mother Teresa as what she is: a religious fundamentalist, a political operative, a primitive sermonizer and an accomplice of worldly secular powers. Her mission has always been of this kind. The irony isthat she has never been able to induce anybody to believe her.”
On balance then who is the saint and who is the sinner? The man who dedicated his life to helping the poor, deprived and under privileged despite lack of acknowledgement? Or the creepy and pathetic figure of one of humanity’s most successful swindlers? Criminals, cheats and scoundrels do not come as standard plastic models. They can be anyone. It is about time that Sathya Sai Baba’s charitable services to humanity were recognised just as it is up to that same media to disseminate the truth about the criminal apologist and dishonest human defence shield for the most vile figures in modern history, Mother Teresa.
What modern hospital did Teresa ever open? How many villages benefited from her efforts to give them running water? How many development projects did she inaugurate? How many free schools and universities did she start ? Why was this Mother Teresa creature so keen to point out povertyin India when her own Albanian homeland remains perhaps the poorest nation inEurope , joining other countries in the region in having people trafficking forthe sex trade as its main export commodity?
If she loved the poor so much why were they kept at bay during her regal funeral procession? If she thought poverty and misery were a gift from Christ why was she constantly jet-setting around the world, often by private aircraft, in a manner more be fitting a villain from James Bond? If her clinics were so good why was she treated in a India’s most prestigious and expensive hospitals? Did Teresa ever teach respect for all religions? Rhetorical question since she even supported the Church’s persecution of Galileo.
On the flip side how many lavish foreign trips did Sathya Sai Baba make? In fact he only ever went abroad once. Did he ever publicly defend criminals who thought themselves above the law? Did he pay homage and deliberately keep the company of fascist despots who crushed the aspirations of their own people, tortured them, incarcerated them, let them starve while they enjoyed a lifestyle that would be the envy of French aristocrats before the revolution of 1789? Did Sathya Sai Baba ever keep company of the Duvalier clan or Enver Hoxha? Did he interfere in people’spersonal lives to the extent of demanding loyalty when it flew in the race of all reason and rationality, as Teresa demanded abortion and contraception be stopped in countries where the demographic time bomb is ticking.
She even proudly announced he opposition to scientific achievements when they went against the teachings of her beloved imperialist dogmatic intolerant Church. Bycontrast Sathya Sai Baba embraced the modern world as evidenced by practical attempts to help India’s most poverty stricken villages or towns and the modern hi-tech hospital where he himself was treated. How many complaints of HIV infection,. TB and other nasty diseases came from this a forementioned medical centre? When did itever lack basic facilities? Sathya Sai Baba spoke of the truth in all religions, in contrast to the dogmatic, inflexible and intolerant message of Mother Teresa who hated the very culture and beliefs in the nation which had played host to her.
Teresa represented the hardcore fundamentalist inflexible wing of the Catholic Church, especially against any form of population control.
In 1979 Teresa was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize despite not actually earning it. On acceptance she inveighed against abortion and family planning. In an open air mass in Knock in Ireland , she again spoke on the same theme, hoping Ireland would outlaw both abortion and even contraception. This at a time when hundreds of innocent children were being raped and physically abused and mentally traumatised by priests and nuns in the powerful Catholic Church, which the Vatican took many pains to suppress.Teresa gave no thought to the demographic implications of her advice let alone recognise the sexual depravity being carried on right under her very nose by her very own Catholic Church.
When did Sathya Sai Baba ever compromise for fame and glory. By contrast this despicable women Teresa even threw her own anti-abortionism in the dustbin when it suited her, accepting friendship and honours from Indira Gandhi, even though the latter brutally enforced family planning through enforced sterilisation. When did Sathya Sai Baba ever seek such honours? Did Sathya Sai Baba demand respect of heads of state, especially those who specialised in slaughtering and massacring their own people? Did he siphon of billions which remain unaccounted for as Teresa did? Yet the media does not pick up on this, especially the media in India which suffers from a racial inferiority complex to the west.
There is no doubt that had Sathya Sai Baba been born in a western country such as Albania, been white, been part of some huge hatecore Christian missionary apparatus as the Catholic Church remains in India since the days of the marauding psychopath `Saint’ Francis Xavier, that the Indian media would have fallen over themselves to eulogise him. It is perhaps the best sign that although India gained independence in 1947,the colour at the apex merely changed. Attitudes did not. Hence Mother Teresa,born Agnes Bojaxhiu in 1910 Skopje, was sent forth as yet another example of the unwanted garbage of Europe and a Church which constantly stood against democracy, liberalism and progress culminating in its collaboration with the Third Reich.
Teresa’s cosy friendship with Third World despots is part of a well trodden path. It is this which she should be remembered for, as well as being the angel of death to millions of poor who were incarcerated and infected within her centers of death, misnomered clinics.
Just as Dr. Joseph Mengele found human guinea pigs for his nauseating experiments among what the Nazis deemed as the sub-human strata of Europe , so Teresa too found her victims among the poor and helpless of Kolkotta to be the human mice which would propel her to fame and glory. One can only imagine inretrospect how she must have smiled sardonically as she saw her own miracle toturning so many normally rational and sensible human beings into gullible sheep.
The truth about this sinner, this blot on India’s landscape, this fake, this hypocrite, this abuser of humanity, manipulator of the poor, is long overdue. Nowhere is this more so than in India . While Sathya Sai Baba achieved his universal respect from the common man to the head of states through his own efforts despite the media blackout of his philanthropy but a full merciless attack on him from that same media wherever there was even a whiff of a scandal, again the aforementioned media which has been so keen to hide Sathya Sai Baba’s tremendous development projects and charity work helping millions built up the myth of Mother Teresa as a saintly meek woman, all the while ignoring her craving for very worldly power and celebrity status. It is about time both myths were demolished: that of Sathya Sai Baba asmerely yet another miracle working holy man, and that of Mother Teresa as the saviour of India. She was not and it is a scandal just how low people such as this Agnes cansink.
Subbulutchmi says
August 1, 2011 at 4:44 pmSo what if I were a roman catholic or a nun ,I could be your mother. With a name such as mine you
must be Looking too far into something beyond .You previously associated me with another post
name of Neer how Wrong were you then and if my perception serves me right you are blinded by
your own delusions and wrong yet again.This proves how biased you are and for the purpose of
salvation I wonder at the end of time in order to be at peace is it a Christian or a Hindu who will
strive to help you on your journey upwards and onwards.For one of your calibre you certainly show
great interest in the believers of Sai baba but seem to indulge yourself in participating in Swami
related articles but proclaimed openly not to be a Sai believer ,so why time wasting I guess you do
not have much in life and looking to incite tedious arguments with people you have never seen or met.On the other hand I can afford to respond as Swami is my God, Master and Sadguru.You need to stop hiding behind a keyboard and ridiculing people who genuinely have a reason to
comment.How cowardly are you and be ashamed very ashamed for you know who you just one day
life may deal you a blow by meeting or seeking one of these unknowkn people’s help. Never judge a book by it’s cover.What goes around comes around.By the way all religions leads one to their final destination.From the day we are born we are step closer so ultimately it is salvation and death.
Subbulutchmi says
August 1, 2011 at 5:04 pmAs previously mentioned in a post to Shi sir, use the dictionary to find salvation.Take a leaflet from your book..@Arjun.
Arjun says
August 1, 2011 at 5:06 pmFor one of your calibre you certainly show great interest in the believers of Sai baba but seem to indulge yourself in participating in Swami related articles but proclaimed openly not to be a Sai believer ”
instead of giving long bollywood dialouges where did i say im not Sai Believer ? You seem to be disillusioned ..
“Never judge a book by it’s cover.”
Ok i didnt know that playboy was not the same inside as the cover
Subbulutchmi says
August 1, 2011 at 5:07 pmShri sir well done for standing up for your faith and beliefs a true gentleman
Sai ram.
Girdhar says
August 1, 2011 at 5:08 pm@Lutchmi :
Its a pattern or should I say a disease that many modern new age junkies think and equate the knowledge to some ego. You must be high in assumptions to think of me as egotistical without even knowing me in person. If you think this is egotistical, then perhaps Fritjoph Capra, Sri Aurobindo and other great western scientists and philosophers who testified on Hinduism must be having greater ego than me in your opinion.
Such judgmental words are also displayed by those who lack communication or content to debate any further and delve deeper into an intellectual debate to the topic concerned. You seem to have very successfully ignored the topic and the vast knowledge of Hinduism just parade around the word “ego”.
Ancient knowledge doesn’t mean “outdated” knowledge. If thats your view then perhaps you should be chanting your ignorance to the Islamist world which is based on Quran and prophetic stories and rule of DOs and DONTs which date back to ancient Arab or to the Christians who swear by their biblical creation theory of 4004 B.C and flat earth theory.
You also seemed to have ignored the content of my replies and lack an understand on why the shrutis are “eternal”.
Yes, I’m typing on a computer. But do you know that the basic elements that make a computer work were influenced and discovered through Vedas and upanishads? Read the below testimonials and do some research on them!
Fools like you can only make juvenile and flimsy statements like “ancient thinking” and “computers”. What do you call “new thinking” then? Is it modern materialism that is causing plethora of diseases, depression, frustration and anxiety among humans and categorising manking into something absurd as religion? Or is it the material science which works on material configurations, theories, formulae whose foundation is being suddenly shaken up by quantum theory and is still to touch the pinnacle of Vedas? Is it a coincidence that quantum theory goes parallel to the vedas and upanishads? Is it a coincidence that the parallel universes reflect the “ancient thinking” of Vishnu dreaming of several bhramas?
Read brief history of Time by stephen hawkings and the Tao of Physics by Fritjoph Capra for your basic education on removing foolish concepts like “new thinking and ancient thinking”. If you are one of those who blindly believe in modern science and treat the western scientists as gods, even then your hollow opinions like “new thining” and “ancient thinking” stand exposed….
ALBERT EISTEIN (SCIENTIST): “When I read the Bhagavad-Gita and reflect about how God created this universe everything else seems so superfluous.”
ROBERT OPPENHEIMER (THEORETICAL PHYSICIST): “Access to the Vedas is the greatest privilege this century may claim over all previous centuries. The general notions about human understanding… which are illustrated by discoveries in atomic physics are not in the nature of things wholly unfamiliar, wholly unheard of or new. In ‘Hindu’ thought they have a more considerable and central place. What we shall find [in modern physics] is an exemplification, an encouragement, and a refinement of old wisdom.”
WERNER HEISENBERG (FATHER OF QUANTUM PHYSICS, Nobel Prize winner): “After the conversations about Indian Philosophy, some of the ideas of Quantum Physics that had seemed so crazy suddenly made much more sense.”
ERWIN SCHRODINGER (PHYSICIST), awarded the Nobel prize in Quantum Mechanics, in 1933. He said “The unity and continuity of “Vedanta” are reflected in the unity and continuity of wave mechanics. In 1925, the world view of physics was a model of a great machine composed of separable interacting material particles. During the next few years, Schrodinger and Heisenberg and their followers created a universe based on super imposed inseparable waves of probability amplitudes. This new view would be entirely consistent with the Vedantic (Veda) concept of All in One.”
BRIAN DAVID JOSEPHSON (PHYSICIST, Nobel Laureate): “The Vedanta and the Samkhya hold the key to the laws of the mind and thought process which are correlated to the Quantum Field, i.e the operation and distribution of particles at atomic and molecular levels.”
“The Hindu religion is the only one of the world’s great faiths dedicated to the idea that the Cosmos itself undergoes an immense, indeed an infinite, number of deaths and rebirths. It is the only religion in which the time scales correspond, to those of modern scientific cosmology. Its cycles run from our ordinary day and night to a day and night of Brahma, 8.64 billion years long. Longer than the age of the Earth or the Sun and about half the time since the Big Bang. And there are much longer time scales still.”
Outlines parallels between Vedantic worldview and Quantum Physics- in his book TAO OF PHYSICS. “Modern physics has thus revealed that every subatomic particle not only performs an energy dance, but also is an energy dance; a pulsating process of creation and destruction. The dance of Shiva is the dancing universe, the ceaseless flow of energy going through an infinite variety of patterns that melt into one another. For the modern physicists, then Shiva’s dance is the dance of subatomic matter. As in Hindu mythology, it is a continual dance of creation and destruction involving the whole cosmos; the basis of all existence and of all natural phenomenon. Hundreds of years ago, Indian artists created visual images of dancing Shivas in a beautiful series of bronzes. In our times, physicists have used the most advanced technology to portray the patterns of the cosmic dance.”
Richard Waterstone has written in his book: Einstein and Shiva’s cosmic dance : “There is a striking resemblance between the equivalence of mass and energy, symbolized by Shiva’s cosmic dance and the Western theory, first expounded by Einstein, which calculates the amount of energy contained in a subatomic particle by multiplying its mass by the square of the speed of light: E = mc2. ”
AMIT GOSWAMI (THEORETICAL NUCLEAR PHYSICIST): “Everything starts with consciousness. That is consciousness is the ground of all being”. He wrote a book called ‘The Self Aware Universe: How Consciousness creates the Material World’ which propounds the same Vedic view of Brahman being the ground of all existence, immanent in all things.
NIKOLA TESLA (SCIENTIST) -contributor to the field of electricity and electromagnetism, influenced by Vedic Science and Philosophy.
STEPHEN HAWKING (SCIENTIST) in describing his mathematical model of the universe said that whereas in Western religions a creator god precedes man and the universe, the Hindu gods are preceded by creation; the origin of the world is envisaged not so much as an act of creation but as one of organization, the making of order out of chaos. The universe is often said to be born from the sacred syllable Om, or from an inert void in which ” there was neither being nor non-being … death nor non-death”, a single principle from which emerged the diversity of life. From this void desire was born, and from desire came humans, gods and creation.”
Arjun says
August 1, 2011 at 5:10 pmsri and you are the same person which is obvious because you make the same accusations and confuse yourselves by thinking you are fooling the rest of us but are not
Girdhar says
August 1, 2011 at 5:17 pm@Lutchmi :
Its a pattern or should I say a disease that many modern new age junkies think and equate the knowledge to some ego. You must be high on assumptions to think of me as egotistical without even knowing me in person. If you think this is egotistical, then perhaps Fritjoph Capra, Sri Aurobindo and other great western scientists and philosophers who testified on Hinduism must be having greater ego than me in your opinion.
Such judgmental words are also displayed by those who lack communication or content to debate any further and delve deeper into an intellectual debate to the topic concerned. You seem to have very successfully ignored the topic and the vast knowledge of Hinduism to just parade around the word “ego”.
Ancient knowledge doesn’t mean “outdated” knowledge. If thats your view, then perhaps you should be chanting your ignorance to the Islamic world which is based on Quran and prophetic stories and rule of DOs and DONTs which date back to ancient Arab or to the Christians who swear by their biblical creation theory of 4004 B.C and flat earth theory.
You also seemed to have ignored the content of my replies and lack an understanding on why the shrutis are “eternal”.
Yes, I’m typing on a computer. But do you know that the basic elements that make a computer work were influenced and discovered through Vedas and upanishads? Do you know that the “ancient language” called sanskrit, according to the scientists, is most fit for the evolution of computers and robotics? Read the below testimonials and do some research on them! Sanskrit even though “ancient” is still the most “scientific” language. Such a thing can be affirmed by a student of sanskrit only who sees the world with better linguistic constructs which are modular in nature, syntactical and integrated in usage! Similarly, the knowledge of Veda and Upanishads can be affirmed to be eternal by those who have read them in detail and not by people like you who have formed preconcieved notions like “new thinking” and that old is junk! Such kind of notion, IMO, is a direct abuse to the intellect.
Ignorants like you can only make juvenile and flimsy statements like “ancient thinking” and “computers”. What do you call “new thinking” then? Is it modern materialism that is causing plethora of diseases, depression, frustration and anxiety among humans and categorising manking into something absurd as religion? Or is it the material science which works on material configurations, theories, formulae whose foundation is being suddenly shaken up by quantum theory and is still to touch the pinnacle of Vedas? Is it a coincidence that quantum theory goes parallel to the vedas and upanishads? Is it a coincidence that the parallel universes reflect the “ancient thinking” of Vishnu dreaming of several bhramas?
Read brief history of Time by stephen hawkings and the Tao of Physics by Fritjoph Capra for your basic education on removing foolish concepts like “new thinking and ancient thinking”. If you are one of those who blindly believe in modern science and treat the western scientists as gods, even then your hollow opinions like “new thining” and “ancient thinking” stand exposed….
ALBERT EISTEIN (SCIENTIST): “When I read the Bhagavad-Gita and reflect about how God created this universe everything else seems so superfluous.”
ROBERT OPPENHEIMER (THEORETICAL PHYSICIST): “Access to the Vedas is the greatest privilege this century may claim over all previous centuries. The general notions about human understanding… which are illustrated by discoveries in atomic physics are not in the nature of things wholly unfamiliar, wholly unheard of or new. In ‘Hindu’ thought they have a more considerable and central place. What we shall find [in modern physics] is an exemplification, an encouragement, and a refinement of old wisdom.”
WERNER HEISENBERG (FATHER OF QUANTUM PHYSICS, Nobel Prize winner): “After the conversations about Indian Philosophy, some of the ideas of Quantum Physics that had seemed so crazy suddenly made much more sense.”
ERWIN SCHRODINGER (PHYSICIST), awarded the Nobel prize in Quantum Mechanics, in 1933. He said “The unity and continuity of “Vedanta” are reflected in the unity and continuity of wave mechanics. In 1925, the world view of physics was a model of a great machine composed of separable interacting material particles. During the next few years, Schrodinger and Heisenberg and their followers created a universe based on super imposed inseparable waves of probability amplitudes. This new view would be entirely consistent with the Vedantic (Veda) concept of All in One.”
BRIAN DAVID JOSEPHSON (PHYSICIST, Nobel Laureate): “The Vedanta and the Samkhya hold the key to the laws of the mind and thought process which are correlated to the Quantum Field, i.e the operation and distribution of particles at atomic and molecular levels.”
“The Hindu religion is the only one of the world’s great faiths dedicated to the idea that the Cosmos itself undergoes an immense, indeed an infinite, number of deaths and rebirths. It is the only religion in which the time scales correspond, to those of modern scientific cosmology. Its cycles run from our ordinary day and night to a day and night of Brahma, 8.64 billion years long. Longer than the age of the Earth or the Sun and about half the time since the Big Bang. And there are much longer time scales still.”
Outlines parallels between Vedantic worldview and Quantum Physics- in his book TAO OF PHYSICS. “Modern physics has thus revealed that every subatomic particle not only performs an energy dance, but also is an energy dance; a pulsating process of creation and destruction. The dance of Shiva is the dancing universe, the ceaseless flow of energy going through an infinite variety of patterns that melt into one another. For the modern physicists, then Shiva’s dance is the dance of subatomic matter. As in Hindu mythology, it is a continual dance of creation and destruction involving the whole cosmos; the basis of all existence and of all natural phenomenon. Hundreds of years ago, Indian artists created visual images of dancing Shivas in a beautiful series of bronzes. In our times, physicists have used the most advanced technology to portray the patterns of the cosmic dance.”
Richard Waterstone has written in his book: Einstein and Shiva’s cosmic dance : “There is a striking resemblance between the equivalence of mass and energy, symbolized by Shiva’s cosmic dance and the Western theory, first expounded by Einstein, which calculates the amount of energy contained in a subatomic particle by multiplying its mass by the square of the speed of light: E = mc2. ”
AMIT GOSWAMI (THEORETICAL NUCLEAR PHYSICIST): “Everything starts with consciousness. That is consciousness is the ground of all being”. He wrote a book called ‘The Self Aware Universe: How Consciousness creates the Material World’ which propounds the same Vedic view of Brahman being the ground of all existence, immanent in all things.
NIKOLA TESLA (SCIENTIST) -contributor to the field of electricity and electromagnetism, influenced by Vedic Science and Philosophy.
STEPHEN HAWKING (SCIENTIST) in describing his mathematical model of the universe said that whereas in Western religions a creator god precedes man and the universe, the Hindu gods are preceded by creation; the origin of the world is envisaged not so much as an act of creation but as one of organization, the making of order out of chaos. The universe is often said to be born from the sacred syllable Om, or from an inert void in which ” there was neither being nor non-being … death nor non-death”, a single principle from which emerged the diversity of life. From this void desire was born, and from desire came humans, gods and creation.”
Subbulutchmi says
August 1, 2011 at 5:20 pm@Arjun still don’t respect a mother. you are a sad sick perverted soul.You seem to know a lot of Bollywood and playboy .Hit a nerve did I.Back off!your impudent and obscene vulgarities is not a requirement for a decent website .I believe in my God Sai baba and do not wish to entertain a sicko
Kid with not a ounce of intellect or morals.
Don’t bother retaliating you do not shake my forget there are followers and believers who do not need double ids. grow up and behave be a person not a fool.
lutchmi says
August 1, 2011 at 5:30 pmLOL… didn’t I say no discourses……do you not understand?? comprehend?? You writing alone tells me the type of person you are…Your ego alone has led you yet again to fall into a trap..rather than using Wikipedia extracts to educate people you do not know on a comment blog, do something for others rather than boasting..Go and write a thesis or something..I’m sure many universities in India would welcome you! Sai Ram
lutchmi says
August 1, 2011 at 5:32 pmBTW Gridhar..why are you defending Hinduism to a Hindu and sai baba believer? I do not need reassurance about my religion maybe you do!? Sai Ram
Arjun says
August 1, 2011 at 5:38 pm“@Arjun still don’t respect a mother. you are a sad sick perverted soul”
sri/Subbulutchmi/lutchmi , After being treated by mother teresa you seem to be the one with sad sick perverted soul who cant convince anyone that you are not using various IDs
lutchmi says
August 1, 2011 at 5:41 pm@ Arjun..why are implicating myself with others??? Would you like it if i said you were an imposter online with many you seem to be proclaiming this very often.
Girdhar says
August 1, 2011 at 5:42 pm@Lutchmi : You are far from being a Hindu. Just because you have a Hindu name doesn’t mean you have read the Vedas, Upanishads or atleast Gita. Your conception of “old thinking” reflects your juvenile mindset and hollow knowledge of even the modern science.
The westerners today are curious to know about Hinduism i.e the Vedas, Upanishads, Yoga, ayurveda etc. But Hindus like you think they have a certification just because they have a “Hindu name” and hence that they don’t need any more reading to do. Being born in a doctor family doesn’t make you a doctor. Being born in a bhrahmin family doesn’t make you a bhramin automatically. Similarly, being born in a hindu family doesn’t mean you automatically know what Hinduism is about. Grow up! 🙂
Arjun says
August 1, 2011 at 5:45 pmsri/Subbulutchmi/lutchmi , you can make accusations against me but you would have to prove it but anyone here can see clearly you are the same person
lutchmi says
August 1, 2011 at 5:45 pmfallen into the trap yet again….lol
Arjun says
August 1, 2011 at 5:53 pmfallen into the trap yet again….lol
yes u seem to have ..least the first thing u said truthful
Lutchmi says
August 1, 2011 at 5:59 pm@Arjun…are you and Girdhar the same!? because that was directed to Girdhar and you’ve just blown your cover..well done KID!
Sai Ram.
Arjun says
August 1, 2011 at 6:08 pmclap clap clap…cant believe how smart you turned out to be..U finally caught us out….
rajlaxmi says
August 23, 2011 at 11:09 amMy Dear Brothers & Sisters,
Bhagwan Baba once told in his discourse that if you heard somebody giving -ve comments on him (Sai Baba) don’t fight with them because you are his own child and the criticizer is also his own. Swami didn’t like his children fighting with each other.
Dr. O. P. Sudrania says
September 9, 2011 at 11:11 pmI have seen and observed both Mother Teresa as well as Sri Satya Sai Baba. With no malice but comparing Sri Satya Sai Baba with any other contemporary figure is like comparing the Sun with any worldly light. Satya Sai Baba has no parallel in my opinion. Of course the author of this blog post is quite right to ask if Sai Baba was born in white Albania? It would have been Jesus resurrected, nothing short of it. But perhaps the Vatican’s Catholic industry may not have accepted it still above it, lest they lose their own business; like the Jews opposed the Jesus Christ and hanged Him too for telling the truth but against the prevailing Hebrew practices. Perhaps the fate of Sri Satya Sai Baba may not have been any different in Albania.
Coming to Indian Satya Sai Baba again; there is a strong anti-Sai industry in the Christian West helped by the strong forces whose interests collide with Satya Sai Baba’s popularity in the Christian West. It must be heavily funded and the Western media especially BBC and Telegraph are highly biased. Their bias is again partly anti-Hindu, anti-Indian and partly the funds derived through such propagandas. BBC is highly proactive against India jealous of losing their imperial grip over the golden goose or the Jewel of the Crown. I had a personal taste of such an encounter directed upon me.
Now this anti Sai jihadi industry seem to be losing their steam as they are being exposed and laid naked. This is a huge group but barring a miniscule of them, most are now living a low profile life. One or two are still fairly active. They must be akin to our SAS Jeelani in Kashmir valley living on dole money funded by the vested masters interested in the defamation of Satya Sai Baba; whose popularity has marred their religious footfalls and donations. A serious business loss. Sai Baba had a strong spiritual truth to preach unmatched by anyone.
Both this anti Sai industry as well as the most western media were resurrected on His Divine journey quoting the old stale BBC films and News casts made by some Tania Datta way back with a specified agenda of defamation of Sai Baba. Another Indian News Paper was Deccan Chronicle that was Catholic magazine and going in a bankruptcy and must have been in search of a juicy story. They succeeded in their attempt but not in saving their business. Most of the Western media quoted BBC except some.
God bless
Arjun says
September 22, 2011 at 8:12 amDr. O. P. Sudrania, Your observation is very sharp and straight to the point .Its a pity many Hindus themselves cant see through the agenda of the church and the Western media like the BBC.The problem with the west particularly Britain regardless if they are right wing or even left wing they still suffer from the colonial syndrome where they think they know better when it comes to India..
Swagat Sahu,India,Odisha,Bhubaneswar says
November 2, 2011 at 3:02 pmIt’s really a wonderful & absolutely true article……..Thank u very much sir for spreading such factual information among people about the intentions of different kinds of people from the west……Jai Sairam
Lakshya says
November 6, 2011 at 5:39 pmSri Sathya Sai Baba was the apostle of Love — a Love that bound His devotees to Him with a sweet heart-to-heart connection. What can a selfish world understand of this Love?
Sri Sathya Sai Baba always said,”I have not come to disturb or deny any faith or religion. I have come to repair the ancient highways leading to God. My teachings are directed to make a Hindu, a better Hindu, a Christian a better Christian, and a Muslim, a better Muslim.”
That is why people flocked to Him, regardless of caste or creed, nationality or religion and found their home with Him.
A famous saying of His is:
There is only one religion — the religion of Love
There is only one caste — the caste of humanity
There is only one language — the language of the heart
There is only one God — He is OMNIPRESENT
Sai Dav says
January 8, 2012 at 12:53 amThe West Decry Hindu Worship as Devlish for lack of ignorance and heaped in fear – they depict Kali MAA as a devlish form not understanding the symbolsim oher looks attire etc……… Even when Isa (Jesus) traveled to India and studied the Vedas in his early years, brought back the ancient Wisdom but alas Constantine and fellow men changed everything to suit the needs of that time namely to control, become empowered, and remain the head of a massive spritual uprising – so poloticising events in the guise of Roman Catholic Church – the rest is History – now with Western idelogy a person can get promoted to SAI-NT HOOD by merely taking a post and engaging in good deeds and be ordained by RCC as with the POPE thats is their system – however in the Indian system to be a SAI-NT once has to be fully realised in terms of enlightment as its maximum ie One with GOD – GIANI – meaning knowledgeable but today this has been msi-interpreted to be book knowledge. The GIANI actually means HE HAS KNOWLDEGE OF GOD ITSELF FIRST HAND – completely different from attaining scholarship in the Vedas or OLD/NEW TESTAMENT or BHAVAND GITA or Guru Granth SAHIB -many a person is ascribed a saintly position but True SAI-NTS such as Jesus Nanak Vivkeananda Sri Yukteshwar etc etc… fully enlightened are TRUE SERVANTS of GOD – A GREAT dissparity between WEST and EAST. AS my BABA said once – if HE came as VISHNU with 4 arms HE would be put in a museum for all to see!
Leslie Baba says
October 24, 2012 at 8:53 pmAs an inhabitant of mother earth and a fellow human being; As a westerner having been guided by Sri Paramahansa Ramakrishna since I was 15 yrs; I find in this article the deplorable side & image of my adopted India that I thank God I have been protected from. Europe,India, USA..all have their creepy,hateful, ignorant voices. This article is so shocking I want to cry for India & beat my breast. Some comments even praise the villain and criminal who insults mother Bharata and her heritage of saints whose own samadhi must be disturbed by this writers unholy old fashioned attitude mirroring unforgiveness. Is this the grace of sai baba ? I want to cry, wounded forever by this person and his friends who shame themselves with blind ignorance to Reality. Peace..OM…Health to you and may you be enlightened in your next go around of incarnations.