Site Launched to Promote Hindu Civilization History Website Website

(CHAKRA) The launch of Hindu History could have not come at a more opportune moment with the growing and wide interest not only in Hinduism but also into the history of Hindu Civilization from its centre point of India through to South East Asia.

This part of human history has regrettably been largely ignored as a the result of distorted colonial scholarship known as Orientalism. While most of the ancient civilizations have now become relics and show pieces for school kids and passing tourists at museums around the world, it is only the Hindu civilization still exists in all its vibrancy, as stated by renowned scholar as well as founder and director of the American Institute of Vedic Studies, Dr. David Frawley:

”When those other ancient civilizations were still alive India was already known to be very old and country of deep spiritual wisdom. The same type of temples with similar forms of ritual worship that were known in ancient Egypt, Babylonia, or Greece thousands of years ago still occur in India today: from Badrinath in the Himalayas to the north to Kanyakumari in the south. Indeed it seems that the ancient world never ended in India. Instead it has continually maintained and, at times, reinvented itself. Indeed we could say that India is a living museum of the ancient world and its lost civilizations. To understand the ancient world, it may be better to visit the holy places of India where the ancient traditions remain unbroken and intact. Rather than try to interpret ancient ruins through bricks and pottery shards, which scholars today usually do so according to their own modernist mindsets, we need to recognise the all-pervasive respect for the sacred that was once the basis of ancient life and culture through all human societies.”

But to survive it had to endure an epic struggle. While Saladin’s forces had captured Jerusalem the military might of Islam to the east was engaged in fierce battles across the Afghanistan and the borders of South Asia only to face determined and enduring resistance and defeat from Hindu forces. Indeed Arab authors bemoaned the failure of the armies of the Caliph in India . While the Portuguese were ravaging and raping the Americas, their armies were routed by the Marathas. Their genocidal campaigns of destruction and conversions met with miserable defeat. The forces of mindless hatred and votaries of extremist conformity threw their might at the ancient civilisation of the Hindus only for the Hindu to rise again in the modern world with renewed vigour. The story of Hindu civilisation is therefore not only a history for Hindus or India but is part of an ancient heritage which is universal and common to all humanity.

Hindu History will continue to use the latest research and information from scholars ,historians, museums and other sources around the world to provide a comprehensive account of the Hindu past, a past which remains hidden bar a few select academic enclaves. Because this past is the heritage of all humanity Hindu History online will correct the present state of affairs by balancing facts with the latest research opening the world to the still surviving Hindu civilisation that reflects the Hindu spiritual ethos that many around the world practice today.

The Hindu History website can be visited by clicking here.

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  1. Ray Kaye says

    Great! I’m so confused about things like the Arayan invasion (did it happen or not?) and when the Vedas were written!
    Today I went surfing the web to find out when the Vedas were written. So far I have:

    1500 BC
    1200-900 BC
    1500-1000 BC
    800-400 BC
    2500-3900 BC

    Now I am watching a new series on TV….” Mankind….”….they hardly mention anything about India and have gone straight to the life and death of Jesus.

    Is it any wonder why the rest of the earthlings like myself are confused? I’m up to my armpits in books and DVD’s, I’m a Hindu by choice.

  2. Arjen says

    Ray Kaye their was NO ARYAN INVASION.

    Genetics have completely disproven it. You have to understand why Christians and Muslims created such lies. Indian history predates everything in central asia and europe. But according to Abrahamic beleif they hold, they state that from Noahs three sons, the whole was populated. First two sons called sham and japeth are considered caucasion race, the light skinned race from Europe/Central Asia. They where the creators of civilisation according to christianity and Islam. However the age of their belief is only 2000years, which leaves a massive 8000year history of humankind. So when they invaded india they slowly over time realised that it was Indians who migrated and civilisation central asia and europe, in other words Abrahamic civilisations roots lie in India, and man was civilised in India. This being a HUGE contradiction to the beleif that gods chosen people, the Isrealites ie christians and muslims did not CREATE ANYTHING, and where migrants from South Asia, was too much bear, it was the downfall of both christianity and Islam. So they needed a cover story, after they occupied india, looted it by 90%, then rebuilt it with an abrahamic education, history, ideology, culture, and sold this as EDUCATION. So aryan theory in India is really a mask of Noahs theory. They cant use Noahs name as it would reveal the legacy of such racism, so they created Aryan theory a distortion of Arya. They then created the stories of light skinned indian enslaving others, which is actually a mirror of their own beleif, that noahs first two sons enslaved the third dark son. They implemented such beleifs are FACTUAL, in schools, books, education. The sole reason was to undermine Indian history so it would not challenge the roots of Abrahamic religions, to also act as a soft conversion tool, a customised education system to create duplicate socieites in India, that favor the west and state India was always poor, dirty and backwards…the truth was the opposite. Only dirty poor people enslave and try to conquer the world in their image, hence slave trade of africans, the invasion of africa, india, china, america, australia by christians and muslims.

    However Indian history is SOOO DEEP and great that the truth has not been converted out of the people, and today india remain 85% loyal to its roots. So unlike africa, america, south america, australia, where all natives have been enslaved, killed, or wetsern educated, they have no history, its been wiped out and then replaced with a wetsern education. They no longer know their PAST.

    India this was too difficult todo. And as such India was able to save its culture, and intellectual wealth from the invaders. Yes poverty in India today stems from foriegn rule, but materialism can be aquired, history, culture, cannot.

    IBM Genographic project December 2011 – carried a six year study in to Human genome.
    ”Their has been no foreign migration into the Indian genome in the last 60,000years”

    : “indeed, nearly all Europeans — and by extension, many Americans — can trace their ancestors to only four mtDNA lines, which appeared between 10,000 and 50,000 years ago and originated from South Asia.”-Lluís Quintana-Murci,Vincent Macaulay,Stephen Oppenheimer,Michael Petraglia,and their associates

    M17 is not only more diverse in South Asia than in Central Asia, but diversity characterizes its presence in isolated tribal groups in the south, thus undermining any theory of M17 as a marker of a ‘male Aryan invasion’ of India. One average estimate for the origin of this line in India is as much as 51,000 years. All this suggests that M17 could have found his way initially from India or Pakistan, through Kashmir, then via Central Asia and Russia, before finally coming into Europe.”
    -Stephen Oppenheimer


    Indian geneticists have mapped the genome of Zebu cows, pigs, sheep, and mice. They all originated in south Asia, India, and then moved out.

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